Exchequer is street on the west 7 lis of community are aided financially 8 years continuously " acc

Lu Wangtai is installed dispatch exchequer is street on August 18 on the west 7 lis of community take filial literacy knowledge seriously to learn to guide broad dweller patriarch, encourage read conscientiously in school student. On August 17 morning, 7 lis of community are the children of family of 4 family planning that 2018 year check undergraduate course school on the west, unified extended stipend. Among them, the boy 3000 yuan / person, the girl 3600 yuan / person.

Exchequer is street on the west 7 lis of community are aided financially 8 years continuously " accurate undergraduate "Exchequer is street on the west 7 lis of community are aided financially 8 years continuously " accurate undergraduate "

7 lis of community take seriously all the time on the west contribute money aid learn, made in June 2010 " on the west family planning of 7 lis of community two-way responsibility agrees " , published family planning to aid learn a grow into useful timber to aid financially policy. Common to be in in those days colleges and universities is taken an examination of in unified entrance exam on the children of family planning family of undergraduate course, graduate student, doctoral student, give one-time award respectively. And special provision, increase promotive gold be the girl on this foundation again, sufficient body reveals care girl, value female progress. Of community contribute money aid learn an activity, incentive community is all student, the number of the undergraduate course on community take an examination ofing, show ascendant trend of year after year. End at present, on the west 7 lis of community already aided financially an undergraduate 8 years continuously, accumulative total funds 36 people, capital 103200 yuan. Encourage broad numerous students assiduous study, at an early date grow into useful timber, with exceedingly good achievement redound society, make positive contribution for social progress. (towering of brave of Zhao of the member that connect fast)

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