Broading appearance of close-fitting guard alms one close-fitting article, expert: You are taken, do

Pu Yi is the amount to on Chinese history not much be able to the gentleman of a conquered nation of die a natural death, during his v/arc be on the throne although do not have what real power, made many stupidity however. Pu Yi ascends emperor again for restoration of a dethroned monarch, willing the tool that makes Japanese. It is first was closed for some time by the Soviet citizen, a serve a sentence is transformed in domestic n again later, fortunately he this is to Jing is not had all one's life danger, died due to illness 1967 finally. After Pu Yi dies before long, ministry of local cultural relic greeted a strange visitor.

? Broading appearance of close-fitting guard alms one close-fitting article, expert: You are taken, do not close now?

A surname ever the staff member that the old person found bureau of Changchun cultural relic, say oneself want alms a cultural relic gives a state. After staff member and old person are communicated, the status that just knows this old person is exceedingly special, he is the close-fitting guard of broading appearance of the last emperor of a dynasty actually. He comes to what cultural relic bureau wants alms this is Pu Yi before one's death a hangover, this makes the expert of cultural relic ministry exceedingly open-eyed mix touch. Without giving thought to of this cultural relic with expect how, after all Pu Yi has used it, cover is sufficient precious. Can be finally, the experts of cultural relic bureau still rejected the proposal of this old person finally, is this after all how one and the same?

? Broading appearance of close-fitting guard alms one close-fitting article, expert: You are taken, do not close now?

When Pu Yi is young, once from learned to play tennis over there a foreign teacher. From now on, the tennis that plays 9 hours everyday became the homework that Pu Yi does surely daily. Although the body broads infirmly appearance every time tired kubla khah dripping wet, but he is very happy with it to this all the time however. One day, pu Yi plays tennis in the courtyard that He Wanrong is in a garden again, but had exerted oneself to do sth. at a draught fierce, tennis has flown directly the top of a wall, do not know to fell where to go.

? Broading appearance of close-fitting guard alms one close-fitting article, expert: You are taken, do not close now?

All the time serve hastens in the close-fitting guard by go searching, but searched a long time,also do not have what result. This issues Pu Yi child urgent, add again sent a few guard to help search, keep urging: Search quickly. Ever guard which dare slight, can bury only head search then, do a suit is clay and sweat be soiled, whereaboutldirection the emperor also dare be not answered to report on completion of the task before was not being found. After all, be in in those days, tennis can be a rare content assorted, where cannot be the word that lost also being bought.

? Broading appearance of close-fitting guard alms one close-fitting article, expert: You are taken, do not close now?

Fortunately finally, ever found in guard or the cavity in the rockery of the garden, he takes whereaboutldirection to await the Pu Yi of a long time to report on completion of the task at once. Pu Yi sees the ball is looked for, also be exceedingly glad in the heart. Carry arrive soon ever a pair of guard " abjection " about, pu Yi temporarily between also touch exceedingly, say a few times repeatedly: "Not easy. " the glasses that says Wan Puyi picked him, its award gave ever guard. Ever the nature in guard heart is a surprise extremely, hasten had closed.

? Broading appearance of close-fitting guard alms one close-fitting article, expert: You are taken, do not close now?

Ever how doesn't guard also imagine, how abrupt between with respect to change of weather. After Pu Yi dies, there was the meaning glasses alms in his heart, arrive all the time this idea just is able to embark on a journey now. The social environment that can be at that time, it is not to allow cultural relic bureau to take over this cultural relic really. This glasses but the western country before sends Guo Daqing's country the gift, this moment puts a so precious cultural relic into cultural relic bureau is not what favour absolutely. Accordingly, the expert of cultural relic bureau still lets an old person bring back this cultural relic, protect well, wait for right time to hand in a country again.

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