Exposure of birthday county policeman the traffic such as motor vehicle of a batch of pedestrians, b

[traffic violates exposure stage] to establish civilized town, birthday county public security bureau hands in tubal group to begin investigate the of all kinds traffic such as motor vehicle of pedestrian, blame to violate act, violate partial pattern behavior to give now exposure.

Exposure of birthday county policeman the traffic such as motor vehicle of a batch of pedestrians, blame violates act, a list of names posted up on you?

Exposure of birthday county policeman the traffic such as motor vehicle of a batch of pedestrians, blame violates act, a list of names posted up on you?

Exposure of birthday county policeman the traffic such as motor vehicle of a batch of pedestrians, blame violates act, a list of names posted up on you?

Exposure of birthday county policeman the traffic such as motor vehicle of a batch of pedestrians, blame violates act, a list of names posted up on you?

On August 2 bright phearl highway and the crossing that connect the name of a river in Anhui Province

Exposure of birthday county policeman the traffic such as motor vehicle of a batch of pedestrians, blame violates act, a list of names posted up on you?

Exposure of birthday county policeman the traffic such as motor vehicle of a batch of pedestrians, blame violates act, a list of names posted up on you?

Exposure of birthday county policeman the traffic such as motor vehicle of a batch of pedestrians, blame violates act, a list of names posted up on you?

Exposure of birthday county policeman the traffic such as motor vehicle of a batch of pedestrians, blame violates act, a list of names posted up on you?

On July 31 Shou Chunlu and birthday Cai crossing

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