"The countryside of china " the CCTV belle that walk out of advocate sow, because be suspected of

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"The countryside of china " the CCTV belle that walk out of advocate sow, because be suspected of violating discipline to fade out of a screen

"In that distant hill village, small ah hill village... hair on the temples of hair on the temples of white hair of mom of my that dear... " every time when we hear this song, feeling returned that big hill at a draught in, give birth to me to raise my place. Yes, there is a mother over there be very fond of, have when beautiful dream, how good, how sweet. However years is gone forever, we often can forget the way when coming, in the end has regretted to go to, apprentice adds Bei.

"The countryside of china " the CCTV belle that walk out of advocate sow, because be suspected of violating discipline to fade out of a screen

This belle that says today advocate sow, come from " the countryside of china " -- Jingdezhen. Xie Yingchun is born on the small town that a such rich and old culture inside information, the plain, forthright and sincere of the person in hill, easy with enthusiasm, perfect inheritance received on her body. However, be her is assiduous with effort, send her to walk out of big hill, enter the CCTV arena that millions of people fixes eyes upon.

"The countryside of china " the CCTV belle that walk out of advocate sow, because be suspected of violating discipline to fade out of a screenAccidental opportunity, jingdezhen TV mesa enrols compere to complete province, the Xie Yingchun that is without setting does not cherish a hope originally, the dot of a word that is mom woke she. "Do not try how to know to be no good all right? " then she prepares actively, carry all sorts of assessment, was admitted by the TV station unexpectedly finally.

"The countryside of china " the CCTV belle that walk out of advocate sow, because be suspected of violating discipline to fade out of a screenShe what have compere dream as a child, face this job to fondle admiringly, several times more serious than others. The opportunity is to give the person that has preparation, eventually little known Xie Yingchun, carry off complete province chairs National People's Congress to surpass second-class award. Had this special honour, she chairs a bound to begin to cut a figure in the province, famous spend sharp violent wind to rise. This also entered province TV station to lay solid foundation later for her. Conceive all the way putting a dream, extremely lucky Xie Yingchun, heart gradually big rise, begin to stare at went up the position of CCTV compere, for this, heart of whole body of her off hours is thrown in study of graduate student attend in a advanced studies. Kongfu does not lose an observant and conscientious person, xie Yingchun is successful pass an entrance examination graduate student of major of boreal broadcast sound. Increase the working experience before her, was equivalent to a leg stepping the entrance door of the CCTV.

"The countryside of china " the CCTV belle that walk out of advocate sow, because be suspected of violating discipline to fade out of a screenAfter entering CCTV, as it happens catchs up with the happening of a lot of big event, 97 Hong Kong are returned to, iraqi war, the incident such as SARS, she undertook whole journey direct seeding reports, at a draught whole world knew this fine-looking wisdom the woman at a suit.

"The countryside of china " the CCTV belle that walk out of advocate sow, because be suspected of violating discipline to fade out of a screenIt is to come successfully probably too too successful, it is lucky probably divine favor she is too much, xie Yingchun had forgotten the dream when. Mom's word, in there was another meaning here, that is risk danger in desperation. Originally plain be gotten clean by catharsis in cloudy society, those who stay is machine-made buckish. 2014, a disturbance this beauty daughter advocate sow coiled, she is suspected of violating discipline to be investigated, broke the fate brings lovers together with CCTV from now on.

"The countryside of china " the CCTV belle that walk out of advocate sow, because be suspected of violating discipline to fade out of a screen"In that distant hill village... " probably at the moment, coxcombical heart ability enough precipitation comes down, listen to this silently accumulate the song that containing thick mother love. Review the way when coming, be too too lucky associate with, let her lose her, also search to be not answered again first heart. "The countryside of china " beautiful princess, ever was the pride of home town for a time, can leave CCTV stage cloudily only however right now, stay grow lasting vague impression.

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