The accident causes collapse of Italian road bridge dead rescuing job ends 43 people

In report occupied new network on August 19 report of Ou Lian news agency of Italy of cite of Europe couplet net, local time 18 days, italian the whole nation indicates mourning, grieve over the accident encounters cave in of Mo Landi big bridge difficult personnel. Italian government holds state funeral, for victim see sb off. 19 victims family member attends state funeral ceremony. Major victim family member expresses, will hold private funeral for the family member, reject to attend state funeral, protest with this the government is safe to public traffic establishment " nonfeasance " .

According to the report, funerary that day, italian government is reported, number of big bridge victim rises Renayamolandi to 43 people, the personnel that rescue had found the body of last person that be missing, declare of the job that rescue ends.

Italian president Madaleila, premier Kong Te, Vice Prime Minister holds Saerweini of Home Office minister, Vice Prime Minister concurrently to hold economy concurrently development and Dimayao of labor department minister, infrastructure and Tuonineili of traffic head of a department, liguliya clerk of square high official, clergy, government, rescuing worker and personage of social all circles attended area and Renayade funerary.

The accident causes collapse of Italian road bridge dead rescuing job ends 43 people

The graph is road bridge cave in trouble spot.

On funeral, italian president Ma Dalei helps collapse of big to Renayamolandi bridge incident victim expresses to mourn, express to express sympathy and solicitude for to personnel getting hurt in victim family member and accident.

Madaleila emphasizes, cave in of this big bridge the misfortune that the accident is a victim, also be the misfortune of the person that hurt, it is national misfortune and disaster more. People should remember this one bitter lesson well, government must make to incident responsibility evaluate strictly, make significant step, ensure road bridge and public facilities are safe.

18 days of mornings, madaleila inspected cave in of Mo Landi big bridge technically still trouble spot, express to express sympathy and solicitude for to the rescuer. Before Madaleila reachs trouble spot, the rescuer just digs a 3 victims remains. These 3 victims are a happy family originally, it is to the couple when accident happening, the child that is bringing them 9 years old goes out journey, the result dies unfortunately in Renaya.

The accident causes collapse of Italian road bridge dead rescuing job ends 43 people

Accident scene has a lorry to stop in distance bridge cave in the brim only a few Mi Yuan's places. According to the report, when road bridge cave in, travel of as it happens of this passenger car is on the bridge, because the driver is urgent when bridge cave in,stop, just avoided tragic happening.

Firm of accident bridge operation -- Qieleqiya of chairman of company of management of company of Italian high speed is depended on, presiding apparitor blocked Siteluji to attend funeral with individual name respectively, express to mourn to the victim. They express, the aftertreatment of be apt to that will assist a government actively to become meddlesome friend works, to the dweller of the victim family member, person that hurt and evacuate danger area, provide necessary help and support.

After funerary end, division of humble of prolocutor of Italian country Boule represents national parliament, the victim in incident, person that hurt and its family member make public cave in of big to Renayamolandi bridge excuse, express to express sympathy and solicitude for.

Funeral fell that day midday, the personnel that rescue digs the remains that gave last person that be missing in trouble spot. So far, trouble spot rescues working declare end.

With the day, italian government still releases a message to say, accident be includinged is missing the German citizen A Erbai of personnel list is special, via moving check fact, this person was not in cave in of Mo Landi big bridge dies in incident. (Rich source)

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