Yamaxun resides savage exposure 22 years alone! Without the body bosom stunt does not survive to com

There is in Yamaxun a group of things with common features group, because the mankind develops farmland ceaselessly, unexpectedly will this a group of things with common features group the person kills light entirely almost, only a person lived to come down. He now probably many years old 50, his person survived on this world actually 20 old, up to now still too much lumberjack and manufacturer go in to evict his ceaseless drive come.

Yamaxun resides savage exposure 22 years alone! Without the body bosom stunt does not survive to come down at all here

You see his body form still is pretty is hale actually, he is done not have in these 22 years any social communication and other a group of things with common features group help him, he is to lean from merely already the tool of a few traditions will plant some of Chinese flowering quince, the food such as corn survived to come down. Those chopper call him the hole in aboriginal.

Yamaxun resides savage exposure 22 years alone! Without the body bosom stunt does not survive to come down at all here

In the hole aboriginal he can set trap, he can the wisdom that a person uses their tradition ancestor in rain forest makes a fight with all sorts of poisonous insects in Yamaxun and fierce and cruel animal. It is very difficult that we know average normal person calculates the very much goods and materials on the belt a person survives in Yamaxun, what is more,the rather that this aboriginal can a person survives 22 years in Yamaxun, because here has the most terrible live thing with the most poisonous whole world.

Yamaxun resides savage exposure 22 years alone! Without the body bosom stunt does not survive to come down at all here

Yamaxun resides savage exposure 22 years alone! Without the body bosom stunt does not survive to come down at all here

the wisdom that can he have us not to understand? We see he is knocked with this unexpectedly those who rot is truncal, discover he knocks this later those who rot is truncal put in water, can produce cloudy like the sort of white liquid next.

Yamaxun resides savage exposure 22 years alone! Without the body bosom stunt does not survive to come down at all here

Follow discovery next, so this is a kind of very extraordinary fished skill, he catchs the most poisonous electric eel in Yamaxun with this kind of method unexpectedly.

Yamaxun resides savage exposure 22 years alone! Without the body bosom stunt does not survive to come down at all here

Yamaxun resides savage exposure 22 years alone! Without the body bosom stunt does not survive to come down at all here

They let electric eel bring anguine unkennel with this kind of means unexpectedly, plunge into the head of electric eel with this branch next, pull it. Won't be given out by electric eel with this kind of method 600 fall to report to the instantaneous report bend over of 800.

Yamaxun resides savage exposure 22 years alone! Without the body bosom stunt does not survive to come down at all here

What discovery of after the event is bungled to rot so is truncal a kind of juice can give electric eel attract come over, the meeting after electric eel comes out feels very habit, once its head explore comes out hind can use the head that grows long branch plunge into electric eel to catch it immediately be caught, this captures namely electric eel safe swift method.

Yamaxun resides savage exposure 22 years alone! Without the body bosom stunt does not survive to come down at all here

Light looks from this example, it is the person that one party natural environment raises one party really, because have them,be these of Yamaxun aboriginal, talent is enough the wisdom the ancestor forever stream hand down, hope in this hole aboriginal can firm work comes down, also hope the mankind destroys many somes of protection a few lesser to these virgin forest.

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