Hainan of north of Hunan of fill basket ace is war, flow plain maple is saying he does not care abou

Hunan north to Hainan the Xiong Yan on one battle well did not arrange Mu Shen to flow in first half plain maple stare at to its when condition extraordinarily brave prevent, the Qing Tianxin that arranged height to have 178 centimeter only however is long as contrapuntal as its. Intention is apparent here, let two gods Nai namely the new personality of plain county well argue. And Qing Tianxin grows to claim he is optimal new personality all the time, view fight should pass on the well when two people are contrapuntal so circle in the air open mouth, the mouth of the mouth of the audience and reporter makes clear: This is presiding new personality contend for. And stream plain maple say however " I mind this kind of issue far from " , is arriving hard to flow plain maple do not want to become optimal newlywed person? Still look down on Qing Tianxin to grow?

Hainan of north of Hunan of fill basket ace is war, flow plain maple is saying he does not care about optimal new personality to look down on clear field

Flow above all plain maple do not want to become divine Nai plain county presiding new personality this is a fact really, he does not care about this to say the reason is to flow plain maple essential annals is absent this. Dozen from stream plain maple on high school one piece begin, stream plain maple want to become the first player, as to what optimal new personality flows plain maple be not to look to go up at all. After so preelection of divine Nai plain county surpasses an end, flow plain maple feel oneself are inapproachable, the strongest celestial being line in connecting a heart conquer, still have what enemy. Just put forward the United States so.

Hainan of north of Hunan of fill basket ace is war, flow plain maple is saying he does not care about optimal new personality to look down on clear field

Flow here plain maple have actually very even if everybody thinks,the thought that close is divine Nai the first player of plain county is Mu Shen one, dan Liuchuan maple still feel celestial being however clear the strongest, and be equal to south conquer hill defeat celestial being to clear, because oneself are the emperor card player of Hunan north. How to tell to flow on the west later so plain maple he feels celestial being more get the better of when one prepare, stream plain maple all over the face expression is great refuse to obey.

Hainan of north of Hunan of fill basket ace is war, flow plain maple is saying he does not care about optimal new personality to look down on clear field

Grow to arrive actually as to Qing Tianxin here more it doesn't matter can say, flowing plain Reagan does not calculate maple eye to go up originally adversary. So natural meeting is hit do not have disposition, nevertheless the word says Hainan battle first half is last of hour stream plain maple never mention it clear field is not prevented, even if change Cheng Mushen one or celestial being path is trashy. The after all flows plain maple aggression capability also can be pushed easily into countrywide top ranks.

Hainan of north of Hunan of fill basket ace is war, flow plain maple is saying he does not care about optimal new personality to look down on clear field

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