Extend happiness strategy: Teach constant bereft of one's spouse is happy however blossom will sear

Small make up when seeing this Zhang Tu, did not keep back really laugh at phonate. Teach constant bereft of one's spouse is happy however blossom, netizen: Be fond of old general to go straight towards teach Ying hero!

Extend happiness strategy: Teach constant bereft of one's spouse is happy however blossom will search Ying Luo, cry on each other's shoulder of teach Ying girl!

This Fu Heng, small make up what sympathize with him quite all the time. Original, ying Luo thinks he is the murderer that kills peace of Ying of dead elder sister, was pricked one knife, from the back unlock misunderstanding and Ying Luo are in moment of your Nong Wonong, unluckily inopportune, in Fu Heng unwitting circumstance issues this 949 honour the emperor also was attracted by her girlfriend, he still falls happy in love move directly, small make up seeing him is every day run toward this Changchun palace.

Extend happiness strategy: Teach constant bereft of one's spouse is happy however blossom will search Ying Luo, cry on each other's shoulder of teach Ying girl!

It is to visit an elder sister on bright face, go pursueing a girl actually, want confess of section of pouch the seventh evening of the seventh moon, be enmeshed among them extremely. The Fu Heng of early days is happy, have the sweetheart that oneself like, this sweetheart still likes besides oneself, this was not compared on the world more those who make a person happy. Develop as gut, woman of library of the person that Wei Ying Luo became laborious, fu Heng is opposite as before her infatuation, but if he must marry Ying Luo, made lady-in-waiting and guard abstain from greatly namely, basically be an emperor Luo of grouchy Wei Ying is liking Fu Heng, fu Heng can be to save emperor of whereaboutldirection of Ying Luo life to seek the fine that marry Er only.

Extend happiness strategy: Teach constant bereft of one's spouse is happy however blossom will search Ying Luo, cry on each other's shoulder of teach Ying girl!

This married, he wants to treat Er fine well originally, but this woman essence is too abhorrent, the base sex all of conceal is exposed before her come out, fu Heng is as not round as her room, she climbed dragon bed. Should say this love is not successful besides, returning some is close affection, frontal woman sides with the daughter-in-law of his cuckold, elder sister because lose 7 A elder brother,did not bear to jump again turret. Fu Heng resembles everyday under a few converging attack is an utterly worthless person general work asks aim to go on battlefield then make contributions fought.

Extend happiness strategy: Teach constant bereft of one's spouse is happy however blossom will search Ying Luo, cry on each other's shoulder of teach Ying girl!

Should saying him is to render service to repay kindness only the country is incorrect also, he goes building milistary exploit, the experienced experienced be defeated that makes enemy, the purpose still has, a desire can want with the emperor when triumphant cycle home, ke Fuheng is miserable, when he is travel-stained when coming back, the news that awaits him is the woman that Wei Ying Luo had become an emperor however

Extend happiness strategy: Teach constant bereft of one's spouse is happy however blossom will search Ying Luo, cry on each other's shoulder of teach Ying girl!

Fu Heng does not believe to want to challenge into palace Ying Luo, saw with one's own eyes saw Ying Luo sits on drive out bastinado, too high to reach. Teach constant child cried again, it is cannot recover after a setback more from now on, the desire that takes milistary exploit to exchange Ying Luo is complete also all up.

Extend happiness strategy: Teach constant bereft of one's spouse is happy however blossom will search Ying Luo, cry on each other's shoulder of teach Ying girl!

Later fine of Er of Ying Luo eliminate, fu Heng comes to the circle bright garden, the laugh spring breeze that be like wash one's hair, woke up to reality after his experience is too too much a lot of, the block up that the palace after he ought not to become Ying Luo to be in lives. The bosom friend that he and Ying Luo can become each other he also already be perfectly satisfied, teach Ying girl again cry bitterly, this setting made a person sigh with emotion too.

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