Let you laugh ceaseless

Buy give one

Next wife coming home said to buy a T-shirt to me, said to spend more than 800, bazaar organizes an activity, bought a T-shirt to send women's coat. I am touched very much, the care person that wife knows not only, still meet managing, although show solicitude for looks not how, sent coat is quite pretty good still! ! !

Let you laugh ceaseless

Still have stupidder than me

One female colleague goes to the unit take an examination of a driver's license. Me: "Passed to do not have? " female: "Nevered mention it, saying is a tear. Course was taken an examination of twice, course 2 took an examination of twice, course 3 took an examination of twice, 4 first time also had done not have course. " I: "Did not see you are so stupid. " female: "Still have stupidder than me. " I: "Who ah? " female: "My coach, teach a so poor student actually! Teach a so poor student actually!!

Do what one says

One star proposes to cummer. Cummer asks: Can you resemble loving a football euqally? Star: Of course. Cummer is very glad, agreed. After marriage two days, the wife should divorce. Star: I what you ask was accomplished, why to divorce even? Wife: Lean, you are special like Aizuqiuyi appearance loves me, play on a few bases everyday namely! ! !

Let you laugh ceaseless

Divide swift-handed feeling

Phoenix elder sister asks male friend, why do you agree to look for me when cummer ah? Male friend: It is good that you have others to do not have some. Phoenix elder sister: What be? Male friend: Namely. . . . . . There is the pleasure of kind of barely escape one's life when parting company. Phoenix elder sister: . . . . . .

Let you laugh ceaseless

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