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"Old traditional Chinese medical science " " renown cure is unborn " " Shi Zhen Gu Fang " , treat diseases of all sorts of men and women only? Show loving care for to the utmost, have ask to answer surely, do hour and patient maintain connection? You think that to be less than small letter absolutely " doctor " , just taking " play " cheater, the bilk inside 9 months 9000 much people, experience case 25 million yuan.

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Male kidney deficient, female lienal empty

After still having 90 " old traditional Chinese medical science "

This is case of complete bilk of network medical treatment.

2014 only then, the person such as Zhang Mou saved and other places of area of Guangzhou city Bai Yun district, the Milky way to establish information to consult company of company, biology science and technology, healthy advisory company early or late in Guangdong. Need according to cooperating with division of labour, early or late correct closes, invite Feng Mou, Huang Mou female, Ceng Mou acute hearing, the person such as Liu Mou gold as company mainstay, the false drug that helped 100 much people sells a team, began the journey of bilk of network medical treatment.

Speak of their bilk method, generalize simply rise at 3 o'clock:

Use the media such as network platform to put in advertisement, promote those who claim to have the effect such as Zhuang Yang, regulate the menstrual function " big bright cure emperor " wait for a product, insert inside advertisement put small letter 2 dimension are piled up " attract white " ;

Pretend the injured party is put in kidney empty, kidney to wait for undesirable and healthy state fortunately, exaggerated illness consequence threatens the injured party, coax the injured party is immersed in wrong understanding to the body state of oneself and product effect, buy thereby do not need originally, the costly product that did not publicize the effect accordingly.

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Do not be afraid that cheater is literate, be afraid that cheater specializations. Change through the company, specialization operation, come from November 2016 in August 2017, inside the time that does not arrive one year, afore-mentioned 3 companies in all diddle more than 9000 the injured party adds up to RMB 25534359.1 yuan.

On July 25, court of district of white cloud of city of Guangdong province Guangzhou is right Huang Mou female, Ceng Mou acute hearing, case of bilk of person of 3 the accused has Liu Mou gold first instance is adjudged, sentence 3 people respectively set term of imprisonment 10 years 6 months, reach 3 years 6 years, punish gold, pursue and wipe out to violate earning to erupt simultaneously return the injured party. The others also is parted to sentence 5 years to differ to 7 months with crime of fraud at the near future with the 76 people such as case person Zhang Mou term of imprisonment, punish gold.

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The case that has medical treatment bilk through network platform is latter common occurance. Advanced two months, jiangsu uncovered a case one case without stannic police, the suspect sees a doctor technically to the patient on the net prescribe, and these so called " are emeritus " of old traditional Chinese medical science, it is unexpectedly a flock of 90 hind.

This crime gang enters police to investigate eye shot, come from what cheat person tall lady at sufferring to call the police. Last year the end of the year, tall lady was known through small letter " emeritus old traditional Chinese medical science " introduced from the northern and western nationalities or from abroad teacher, the other side professes is the hospital in some province expert of scholar of famous traditional Chinese medical science, department of gynaecology, dedicated Chinese traditional medicine " creams grow " attune fills, can measure body dispensation for each patients, boil personally cream.

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During seeking advice, tall lady is faced " old traditional Chinese medical science " inquire after sb's health is cold, gave up stage by stage distance feeling. Stem from accredit, tall lady purchased a total 1980 yuan cream grow will recuperate the body, but after taking, tall lady discovers body state and it doesn't matter is improved, and still appeared the phenomenon of suffer from excessive internal heat.

Face the inquiry of tall lady, "Old traditional Chinese medical science " reply however: Drink water more, decrease a quantity to take cream grow.

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Subsequently tall lady goes to a hospital the examination is informed, what she takes is 3 without the product. Police passes professional orgnaization appraisal, discovery creams exact without any traditional Chinese medicine font size marks on grow this, composition also is the material of general edible course such as honey, rock candy, mulberry, medlar only.

Police is passed after layer upon layer find out, wuhan of an over or across, Fujian two ground, the gang of bilk of network medical treatment of more than 100 people of member rises to surface. The discovery after police investigation, the sell member of this gang is college undergraduate students of more than 20 years old entirely or the specialized subject is unripe, do not have any practise medicine aptitude, also do not have the knowledge of any medical respects; And the product of this gang, all is to entrust what batch of a company produces Wuhan, 30 yuan of cost a bottle product, retail price is as high as 500 yuan however, and eat a period of treatment to must cost 1980 yuan. More startling is, without giving thought to what illness, what the victim receives is same cream grow, alleged boil the drug that make alone in the light of specific illness, it is 1000 people one party actually.

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Sell tea " belle " the likelihood is a big fellow of foot of dig or dig out with a finger or sth pointed, and give you evolution of feel the pulse " old traditional Chinese medical science " also may be read aloud draft according to the play 90 hind.

This gang only the sale last year achieves 130 million yuan high, be in only have many 100 fool without stannum, the fool of countrywide each district has on 10 thousand. Current, this bilk gang is main member already by lawfully criminal is detained.

"Highly skilled doctor " play a way that go

Rely on network platform revive in a new guise again

Actually this is planted net type advertisement + examine of fishing type cure + the legerdemain that peddles costly product is not newly emerging things, just be an old wine in a new bottle, revive from death of platform of network of slick way have the aid of and decay.

Answer dish was pulled down last year of altar " highly skilled doctor " Liu Hongbin is knowable just a little.

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3 years, "Expert " the interview of preserve one's health that Liu Hongbin appears in the many provincial TV stations such as Henan, Qinghai with 9 different identities kind " program " in, recommended nearly 10 kinds " medicines and chemical reagents " . (data photograph)

In signing up for · according to Chinese youth, black online reporter is investigated, before this ranks a stage " highly skilled doctor " just " doll " or " calling card " , the network bilk skill that the group place of its backside establishs the decoy below and instantly does not have the distinction with big what.

According to the report, this kind leans " highly skilled doctor " the form that takes the advertisement of rhythm to adopt program of healthy preserve one's health more, some direct even choices pass the bogus expert that pack, the cause of formation that the spot explained all sorts of chronic such as disease of bone of hypertensive, diabetic, rheumatism, harm and remedial principle, after this introduces the curative effect of respective product and advantage again, call its Chinese traditional medicine.

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Explain in, screen is embedded hotline, a few " patient " return advise others by using one's own experience, praise treatment is effective. And so called " patient " the hotline is interactive, just also search technically on the net " masses actor " , make a telephone call 5 ~ differ 7 yuan. Alleged instructor, the charge of every archives does not exceed 150 yuan.

Be attracted in the light of those and dialed the patient of the hotline, company location customer service can be adopted trick by turns in group. Black online reporter ever called Liu Hongbin place in · of Chinese youth newspaper of Dai Yan " head of unconscious medicine heart square " hotline. An adept customer service professes is " the professor of group of expert of disease of heart head blood-vessel " , guide consumer to speak a symptom, use see the vocabulary that is like major explain here reason.

But the topic falls finally to medicine. Customer service tells a reporter, his symptom " head of unconscious medicine heart square " can treat completely. As to medical price, because the near future has accessorial money, cost price every period of treatment 4176 yuan, present price 2088 yuan.

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And after be being cheated to be bought a few times when the patient, its individual information is met by classify the 2nd group big, continue to cheat. The 2nd round of bomb when, customer service weighs pay a return visit more, or say " former teacher goes attend in a advanced studies " , if be aware of a patient already misgive is cheated, see of purpose to former customer service, they can emphasize themselves is " before the leader of that teacher, master " , continue to analyse a patient's condition for the patient, cheat its finally to buy more product.

Without giving thought to " professor " it may not be a bad idea, "Highly skilled doctor " , the priggish nonsense on the mouth, it is to staring at the money in patient pocket however in the eye. . . . . .

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These patients can be immersed in fraud, very big reason comes from the angst of at their oneself disease generation. Once this kind of angst broke through psychological threshold value, "Try anything when in a desperate situation " psychology is met upland of rapid and occupational consciousness, let a person become blind, not differentiate true bogus.

The patient once from random condition, of the cheater that went up easily to peddle false drug not just when, even some of patient still can produce superstition action, gossip, beg a god to do obeisance to Buddha, break away from scientific category of medicine completely.

And should belong to the decoy that is immersed in evil cult organization confoundedly most.

A lot of evil cult " calamity of dispel ill disappear " as the one and only way that solicits believer. "Law fall result " hitting " acrobatics " can improve the health, dispel disease is delayed year catchword, people joins prevail on its are organized. And once those people that are embracing the state of mind that have a try joined them, be contacted in chronically and " brainwashing " below the circumstance, very easy be captured by place of their crooked truth heretical ideas, arose even below psychological suggestion " body of acrobatics the back of a person ameliorates " illusive, arose to blind trusts and adore to evil cult head then.

But this is planted,adore those who bring is not heal, a lot of time stay, die only.

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Act according to bilk of medical treatment of online sth resembling a net to cover a region finally, everybody is sure to remember well at the heart!

Release advertisement, false conduct propaganda -- use network platform to put in false advertisement in great quantities, leave small letter 2 dimension code.

Sham " old traditional Chinese medical science " " surgeon " wait for expert identity -- the a fewth generation passes sham Li Shizhen person, " old traditional Chinese medical science " " old surgeon " wait for the identity, get credit of the injured party.

False diagnosis and treatment, " next crises " force odd -- the body state that is aimed at the injured party, pretend body of the injured party is put in major crisis, have activity of false diagnosis and treatment, undertake to the injured party " next crises " " force odd " . Say kidney empty to male the injured party, emphasize filling kidney, Zhuang Yang; Say the inadequacy that enrage blood and taste empty to woman the victim, strong take good care of sb colour, guard palace.

High price is promoted cheap product -- through afore-mentioned false diagnosis and treatment, coax the injured party is bought cheap or the costly product that did not treat the effect.

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(net of origin China police)

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