Give power! The country pings young general throws day of ping hawk of cereal of water of one elder

Give power! The country pings young general throws day of ping hawk of cereal of water of one elder brother, liu Ding Shuo 4: 3 Suo Dingsheng bureaus

Beijing time on July 26, 2018 the period of the day from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. , australia surpasses the battle arrival that surpassing central point of the first day publicly, leading what undertake first is a country Yu Ziyang of ping young general and Germany one elder brother abstruse Qialuofu's match, and the match of hawk of one cereal of elder brother water, likewise eye-catching.

Begin in contest, shui Gusun enhanced the fierce rate of aggression apparently, situation of Dan Liuding large is attacked heavily energetically, the deal with ability that still lets Shui Gusun does not have space of too large put to good use, liu Ding Shuo with 6: 3 banner, pull in order to twist as Liu Ding Shuo first begin, grab continuously strong, he with 11: 4 take right-hand seat bureau.

The 2nd bureau, dogfight ability of Shui Gusun begins to produce effect, two people keep at the beginning in this bureau the far from the table in performing is old to pulling battle, bilateral score extremely move, the moment of truth, liu Ding Shuo is pulled instead in the center backhand is decisive change line, with 10: 9 take bureau place, although Shui Gusun do all one can chases after score,make the same score, dan Liuding large none be irresolute when firmness is needed, with 12: 10 leave one town again.

The 3rd bureau, liu Ding Shuo leaves bureau grab attack, too pursuit sends force, error is more, also let Shui Gusun with 4: 2 banner. The quality preponderance with Dan Liuding very large, still let him hold the active advantageous position on occasion gradually, as two people take dispute more, liu Ding Shuo chases after score in 8 time-sharing eventually smooth, in bureau end, liu Ding Shuo takes the lead in rising backhand board, shui Gusun defends not as good as, liu Ding Shuo is grabbed strong notch, with 11: 9 win the 3rd bureau.

Give power! The country pings young general throws day of ping hawk of cereal of water of one elder brother, liu Ding Shuo 4: 3 Suo Dingsheng bureaus

The 4th bureau, 0: 3 backward water cereal hawk began to fight with one's back to the river-fight to win or die, he stands shift to an earlier date apparently, opening the circuitry that bureau phase chained Liu Ding Shuo is attacked and point of fall, strong pull instead notch, shui Gusun also precedes all the way, score comes to 9: 5, although Liu Ding Shuo seeks branch with all one's strength, but be pulled instead or appeared of tall difficulty regrettablly error, 11: 6, shui Gusun pulls an one bureau.

The 5th bureau, liu Ding Shuo adjusts position, rush with be being grabbed fiercely hold active, come to 4 when score: 2 when, shui Gusun requested suspension, but answered those who arrive on field to strengthen backhand sharp make a sudden and violent attack, this also gives Liu Ding large pull instead brought not little difficulty, shui Gusun with 9: The score of 7 will come here bureau eventually paragraph, twist backhand as Liu Ding Shuo pull error, shui Gusun with 10: 7 take bureau place, and with 11: 8 pull one bureau again.

The 6th bureau, what Liu Ding Shuo still fails to tangle hard from Shui Gusun is much pat emergence is placed among be locked in a stalemate, in in bureau phase is enlarged because of the error of oneself by adversary gradually score, shui Gusun uses circuit to change line, the backhand empty shelves that forehand dies dead to pin Liu Ding Shuo, get tired of defend the Liu Ding Shuo below, fight back outside, shui Gusun with 11: 5 win next this bureaus, break even big score eventually for 3: 3, both sides also will enter the have a contest of last bureau.

Among bureau of decide the issue of the battle, liu Ding Shuo still is in ahull on the situation, but he is tenacious still score firmly bite into, it is eventually after bilateral trade field, chase after score 5 smooth, subsequently two people score rises alternately, divide in the 9 keys after making the same score on, shui Gusun answers ball outside backhand, liu Ding Shuo with 10: 9 grab game ball, pat more backhand subsequently carried Shui Gusun to attack, with 11: 9 Suo Dingsheng bureaus, big score 4: Hawk of cereal of 3 conquer water, successful promotion.

Give power! The country pings young general throws day of ping hawk of cereal of water of one elder brother, liu Ding Shuo 4: 3 Suo Dingsheng bureaus

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