Lake of hole front courtyard adopts arenaceous program fair showed! Year controls gross 45 million t

Recently, yue Yang city is right " Duan He path collects trunk stream of river of Hunan Province Hunan and Ou Yueyang of lake of hole front courtyard arenaceous program (2017 ~ 2020) " draft undertook fair show, seek public opinion, fair show time to be on Feburary 24, 2018 - on March 15.

Second half of the year began 2017, lake of hole front courtyard and periphery collect arenaceous activity to stop approximately, future of district of lake of hole front courtyard pays close attention to to adopt arenaceous program very inside course of study, net of aggregate of Chinese arenaceous stone will " program " main content arranges as follows:

Adopt arenaceous range

Introspection of condition of Yue Yang city runs river course (Hunan Shuihao bayou mouth of horn of wool of the following, endowment water Chi He of the following, lotus root) part of churchyard of Yue Yang of lake of the front courtyard that reach a hole. Among them Hunan Jiang Dong raises 22 kilometers, 33.7 kilometers are raised on the west, lu Lintan is the following trunk stream 34.5 kilometers; Endowment river north raises 21.4 kilometers, 35.6 kilometers are raised east.

Hunan shade selects an area 4 times, among them north of an endowment river is raised, additionally 3 are in Hunan water is raised on the west; Yue Yang county selects an area 2 times, all be in east lake of hole front courtyard; Mi collect selects an area 1 times, be in south lake of hole front courtyard.

Collect arenaceous year to control exploitation amount

7 place can collect area arenaceous stone to extract gross is 180 million tons, consider the demand of Yue Yang city, the Changsha City, decide the year inside program period collects arenaceous gross to control number to be 45 million tons, among them Hunan shade county 20 million tons, yue Yang county 20 million tons, mi collect city 5 million tons.

Adopt the control measure of arenaceous equipment

Do not exceed 16 to pick arenaceous ship, among them Hunan shade county paragraph 8, yue Yang county paragraph 6, mi collect city paragraph 2.

Storage yard sets a condition

Yue Yang county piles arenaceous field 4 times, mi collect city piles arenaceous field 2 times, hunan shade county piles arenaceous field 5 times, each arenaceous field selects an area from each the distance is close, all can serve as to disembark pile arenaceous field, except Yue Yang the county piles arenaceous field 2 times outside, the others all is original and reasonable arenaceous stone field.

Ban collect period and can collect period

Target practice lake collects an area to ban collect period provisional for 4 ~ in July, hunan water, endowment water and lake of hole front courtyard are banned actually collect period it is with statement of department of local flood prevention according to affection of flood prevention flood accurate, program period can collect period of time to be 6:00 to 20:00.

Lake of hole front courtyard adopts arenaceous program fair showed! Year controls gross 45 million tons!

Lake of hole front courtyard adopts arenaceous program fair showed! Year controls gross 45 million tons!

Lake of hole front courtyard adopts arenaceous program fair showed! Year controls gross 45 million tons!

Blue area is can select an area

Above content all is draft content, offer reference only, carry out actually will allow with obtaining batch of files finally be.

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