After Ma Saichun parts company first degrees it is good to appear on color publicly to exceed do not

? This August, dirt of rise high of Han Qing Zihe record parted company, a person of extraordinary powers of after this Europe and Ma Saichun parted company again, next Yang Zi parted company with Qin Junjie again, this in August most propbably already stab is a lot of more painful the heart of vermicelli made from bean starch, estimation of a lot of people won't believe love, then the netizen begins the Tang Yan since the care and the amour of collect advance, a lot of netizens breathe out continuously " you can not part company again " of course also vermicelli made from bean starch pays close attention to the woman after parting company to be able to walk out of the cage that part company after all more (after all the man is opposite for strong point) , below small make up discuss with everybody among them -- Ma Saichun.

A few days ago, atelier is in Ma Saichun small gain dispatch " thank lip is sweet people those who promulgate is optimal award of Max of male friendly force, today is melting tenderness " pony elder brother " thank everybody to support and like since all the time, still concern at " evergreen tree " blessing "

After Ma Saichun parts company first degrees it is good to appear on color publicly to exceed do not suffer part company influence

It is reported, this is the vermicelli made from bean starch that Ma Saichun attends sina fine time activity, of course the spot also has a lot of to star for instance Wang Kai, Yang Yang, Zhang Xue is greeted besides Ma Saichun etc, appear on natural attention publicly to spend as first degrees after Ma Saichun parts company great, what a lot of netizens may care most is Ma Saichun can not be to end depressed or Ma Saichun live well is bad now, answer this question we might as well the photograph that will watch the scene

After Ma Saichun parts company first degrees it is good to appear on color publicly to exceed do not suffer part company influence

The Ma Saichun that can see the spot is wearing grid skirt, glamour is very, suffer the effect that part company not at all it seems that, not only such the hair style that she still changed a head of a round mass of food, look girl heart cruel collapse, she of the spot is all smiles, interact enthusiasticly still with vermicelli made from bean starch, do not look to go out at all have a bit sadness.

After Ma Saichun parts company first degrees it is good to appear on color publicly to exceed do not suffer part company influence

Additionally she herself also responded to the problem that everybody pays close attention to, that is current working condition, she expresses " quite good "

After Ma Saichun parts company first degrees it is good to appear on color publicly to exceed do not suffer part company influence

Actually this does not make a person accident, we might as well the condition of the Ma Saichun before seeing this

On August 12, ma Saichun announces first degrees of dispatch after parting company in two people " in August as before good, you won't alone " encourage Zhang Tianai to also encourage for oneself already, can have taken care of oneself with this him specification, won't suffer be lovelorn influence

After Ma Saichun parts company first degrees it is good to appear on color publicly to exceed do not suffer part company influence

On August 14, ma Saichun attended summer camp of U.N. future climate after part company, and still be arrange of U.N. development plan foster advocate of chief of prospective climate operation, contribute oneself force to protect an environment

After Ma Saichun parts company first degrees it is good to appear on color publicly to exceed do not suffer part company influence

Additionally we can see spot speech picture of Ma Saichun, temperament of true it may be said is free from vulgarity

After Ma Saichun parts company first degrees it is good to appear on color publicly to exceed do not suffer part company influence

After Ma Saichun parts company first degrees it is good to appear on color publicly to exceed do not suffer part company influence

Associate the Xu Jing before this and Chen He part company, make the trip that pacify chooses at that time, treat pain with the journey, walk out of eventually part company shadow, what perhaps Ma Saichun chooses is to undertake commonweal activity, oneself joy is searched in commonweal activity, the effect with achieve cure to part company painful with this, this also explains be lovelorn is not doomsday, oneself life continues even, not necessary the person that is not to love you is sad weep, this nots worth, yourself is that the most ablaze star!

Small make up a hand to write down: The most unforgettable the horse thinks of pure confess at that time that word " July is Ou Hao " two people are regretful however nowadays part company, hard to avoid letting a person does it regretful, but live or should look ahead, lost amour to still have friendship, the most important is look before face, after all the sun tomorrow still can rise, you should laugh to face, also wish Ma Saichun is better and better finally!

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