3 points give blow IC0 and digital money furnace: Will continue to close down violate order of compa

3 points give blow IC0 and digital money furnace: Will continue to close down violate order of compasses website, public

21 days of evening, large quantities of " money is encircled " number of small letter public is involved to stop, the content that its release is involved more " fry money " " first token is issued (IC0) " . Before this, pan Gongsheng of assistant president of bank of people of group leader of special punish group, China is in venture of national Internet banking open situation shows, fictitious currency trades place and IC0 behavior, attribute illegal banking activity, hold to " appear is hit " .

In recent years, the spec related to fictitious money acclaims be current, spurt in prices steeps fall, the risk gathers quickly, disturbed badly economic finance and social order. Good and evil people mixed up of IC0 financing main body, financing is run be suspected of be being issued illegally collect money negotiable securities, illegally, financial bilk, pass annul wait for illegal crime activity.

To maintain financial stability, began people bank last year jointly with much branch, in Internet banking venture frame of special repair work falls, directive local government, clear rectify fictitious money to trade place and IC0 activity, release " the announcement that about be on guard token issues financing risk " .

Early days clears rectify churchyard fictitious currency trades place and IC0 activity obtain initial effect. Be close to venture of national Internet banking office of special punish group (the following abbreviation " punish does " ) the personage tells a reporter, 88 fictitious currencies of domestic of eduction of each district search trade platform and 85 IC0 platform realize calm danger basically to exit; The bit money that trades with the RMB from before the whole world is occupied than 90% above, drop to inadequacy 5% , cut off effectively fictitious currency spurt in prices steeps fall the negative effect to our country, prevented bubble of a fictitious money.

However, in Internet times, configuration of illegal banking activity changeful, move is swift. Be close to punish to do a personage to say, the near future a few trade platform " go to sea " , platform of a few churchyard " stage a come back " , brought risk hidden trouble. A few orgnaizations or individual with " area piece catenary " " fictitious money " begin for stunt pass sell the illegal crime activity such as bilk, form greater harm. Partial public date and network media from which add fuel to the fire, make the negative effect of relevant activity magnifies further, need measurable canal to accuse.

Be close to punish to do a personage to express, make gain to consolidate special punish is versed in, be on guard dissolve financial venture, next relevant sections will adopt specific aim to clear further consolidate measure, maintain financial order and social stability.

It is right 124 servers are set outside the condition, but essence faces churchyard dweller to offer trade the fictitious currency of the service trades platform website adopts necessary canal to accuse measure, will strengthen next monitor, real time is sealed.

2 it is to strengthen the churchyard IC0 to feeling a platoon newly and fictitious money to trade date of relevant website, public deal with. The churchyard IC0 that discovers to feeling a platoon regularly and fictitious currency trade date of spatial website, public, and the public number that provides support and service for afore-mentioned activities, reach a website from media, give in time shut and close down. 21 days of evening, because the public date such as world of aureate finance and economics, money is suspected of releasing IC0 and fictitious money to trade hype information, the screen that be instructed is all content, zhang date by permanent stop.

3 be from pay settle accounts to carry proceed with to be strengthened continuously clear consolidate strength. Talk about tripartite to pay an orgnaization about for many times, ask its are fulfilled strictly must not begin wait for fictitious money with bit money the requirement of relevant business. The orgnaization pays to strengthen related guidance pay danger of zephyr of channel management, client identifying clew, build the platoon that monitor to check a mechanism, stop to be doubtful trade offer pay a service.

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