With C collect once more together? You Wen exposing to the sun prepares to issue sports season to ch

With C collect once more together?

Cite of Goal of famous football website from El Pais. the report says, the hopeful inside Qi Da is in not far in future and C collect once more hand in hand.

This report says, youwentusi hopes next sports season can replace Alaigeli to teach inside Qi Da, this is the 4th sports season that Youwentusi teachs in A Lai case, although bring team result exceedingly good, but Youwentusi the club thinks, arrived 5 years a cycle, the club should have some of change.

They regard Qidanei as person of Alaigeli that replace, qi Da is immanent today Xia Li opens royal Madrid, 1996-2001 year he once the army group of horse of identity effectiveness Yu Ban with the player.

Youwentusi signs C collect is to pound Ou Guan, if Bensaijialaigeli cannot take a team to obtain a breakthrough on Ou Guan's competition ground, so the finishs class namely necessarily destiny that awaiting him. And horse of emperor of Qidanei rate obtained Ou Guansan to connect a coronal, such military successes can say is hind do not have arrival.

The name of the Qidanei before this also was in one case with graceful couplet connection, probably we can see next summer Qidanei gives mountain once more.

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