These car are violated stop by exposure!

Exposure stage

Plate number: Expensive FTQ088

Uncivilized behavior: Break the law jockey

Illegal time: On August 22, 2018 12:31

Illegal place: Erudite road

Punish a result: Amerce writes down 3 minutes 50 yuan

These car are violated stop by exposure!

Plate number: Expensive FGX654

Uncivilized behavior: Break the law jockey

Illegal time: On August 22, 2018 12:36

Illegal place: Erudite road

Punish a result: Amerce writes down 3 minutes 50 yuan

These car are violated stop by exposure!

Plate number: Expensive GJ0068

Uncivilized behavior: Break the law jockey

Illegal time: On August 22, 2018 12:36

Illegal place: Erudite road

Punish a result: Amerce writes down 3 minutes 50 yuan

These car are violated stop by exposure!

Plate number: Expensive FLL419

Uncivilized behavior: Break the law jockey

Illegal time: On August 22, 2018 13:31

Illegal place: Clear Bi Lu

Punish a result: Fine 150 yuan

These car are violated stop by exposure!

Plate number: Expensive FTQ062

Uncivilized behavior: Break the law jockey

Illegal time: On August 22, 2018

Illegal place: Power on the west road

Punish a result: Amerce writes down 3 minutes 50 yuan

These car are violated stop by exposure!

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