P2P network is leasehold platform runs a few big sign before the road (one) ! See you with respect t

The thunder of a month is wet recently, the net borrows investor each shake with fear, on thin ice, appear particularly flimsy.

P2P network is leasehold platform runs a few big sign before the road (one) ! See you with respect to Get!

Bao Lei, run road, clear dish, exceed the time limit, each word, affect the heart that gets every investor, the platform that him for fear that invests with money earned by hard toil shows in the row.

With its every time sees the bravery of Jing of negative news heart of P2P industry jump, hit out not as actively as oneself charge, learn net of a few action to borrow the knowledge that prevent thunder, platform of better escape cruel thunder.

P2P network is leasehold platform runs a few big sign before the road (one) ! See you with respect to Get!

It is normal that the capital of leasehold platform sheds P2P network?

01 abb are returned high continuously

In eye of left elder brother, platform puts abb to follow drug taking same, if Buddhist monastic discipline is not dropped,last addiction, want dead to be above this sooner or later. You think, platform from hold water begin, it is high income all the time, high perhaps specified number is returned attract investor now, basically be to playing borrow old change new Pang fraud.

As the Bao Lei of a round flat piece of jade with a hole in its center of Tang Xiaoseng, couplet, 4 return platform high greatly all and terminative, also explain to return platform high cannot durative. If you discover,casting, or wait-and-see platform all the time abb is ceaseless, and return now taller, can expire to be removed, take directly closed.

02Leasehold platform insanity adds P2P network breath

If have a platform, in blame holiday, good without major interest also, go up suddenly line all sorts of heavy pound activities, of platform mark add breath strength not small also. This moment, you are about to take care! Is this platform very lack capital? Should scoop up brushstroke money to run finally road?

You think, the yield of whole P2P industry glides continuously, what does platform rely on to you can last high income activity? is asset end very high grade more make money? financing can wanton burn money? Impossible job!

Leasehold platform is far from network of 03 current P2P

The friends that pay close attention to policy and P2P industry know, current falls in superintendency policy, had been decided to be not allowed. Because of current conduct financial transactions, have very high demand to the fluidity of capital, if get bad word,form capital pool easily.

Deadline fault matchs serious, liquidity risk is big, incidental a run on a bank. If what platform encounters negative public sentiment, investor trample goes out bureau, capital is poured out of serious, and sequel does not have a person receive dish, the likelihood that produces a run on a bank then can increase greatly.

04 involve the conduct financial transactions below the line

To the investor of the conduct financial transactions below the line, have no way judges capital whereaboutldirection, understand the true identity of borrower and loan use in the round hard, the creditor's rights that investor cannot see is extremely incidental from be in harmony.

More what is more,the rather that firm of the money below a few lines is in mad and outspread backside, it is the manpower cost of high specified number and sale cost, also be the dark thunder that can detonate at any time. For instance, the E that the problem appears previously is hired treasure and greatly group, it is the typical case with the outspread insanity below the line.

05 send short label madly continuously

Sending short label madly also is the omen before platform should run. Platform issues many short mark for a short while, it is day bid even. For instance, finance of big bumper harvest of Shenzhen P2P platform ever issued 17 days mark inside a day, and platform also was released that day carry appear difficult announcement.

Need to send short mark to maintain wildly, explained platform is exceeding to capital longing. A platform is managed very when lacking cash, just can need new fund to come very much have enough to meet need. Perhaps say, platform has maintained no less than going to, want to scoop up finishing stroke before desert.

06Leasehold platform is suspected of P2P network from be in harmony

Alleged from be in harmony in short, it is the form that platform passes the mark that send a holiday, the money of investor, him go off with was spent. Still can come back finally as to this money, see platform tear open east the wall fills on the west the work force of the wall how.

From be in harmony the commonnest, it is the large stockholder that platform gives him and financing of a few affiliated enterprise, capital left hand pours the the right-hand side. These industry need are long-term and continuous offer blood, once capital catenary was broken, platform at any time possible Bao Lei.

Network of a P2P is leasehold platform appears afore-mentioned symptoms, do not meet certainly on behalf of platform thunder. But, you always should pay close attention to the tendercy of platform, whether can be reappraise platform cast.

P2P network is leasehold platform runs a few big sign before the road (one) ! See you with respect to Get!

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