Official warning: Careful with " area piece catenary " , " fictitious money " the fraud that is

Greeting transmit spits groove, happy want one case happy, want foolishly one case blind


Silver protects inspect to meet: Be on guard to undertake fund raising illegally with name of chain of fictitious money, area piece

Official warning: Careful with " area piece catenary " , " fictitious money " the fraud that is a name

Official warning: Careful with " area piece catenary " , " fictitious money " the fraud that is a name

On August 24, letter of the silver-colored meeting that keep watch, central net does, bank of the Ministry of Public Security, people, market superintends total bureau clew, the near future, a few illegal elements are being hit " finance innovates " , " area piece catenary " banner, through issueing alleged " fictitious money " , " fictitious asset " , " digital asset " wait for means to draw fund, enroach on public closes right increase. This kind of activity is not be based on technology of area piece catenary truly, acclaim concept of area piece catenary to collect money illegally all right however, pass annul, the fact of bilk, basically have the following feature: It is network, cross condition change apparent. 2 it is deceit gender, alluring sex, concealment the gender is stronger. 3 it is to be put in a variety of illegal risks.

Keyword: Fictitious money collects money illegally the silver-colored meeting that keep watch

Gold of Tecent, ant takes restriction fictitious currency trades

Official warning: Careful with " area piece catenary " , " fictitious money " the fraud that is a name

Official warning: Careful with " area piece catenary " , " fictitious money " the fraud that is a name

Tecent expresses, in pay channel to go up, trade in the light of fictitious money the gathering function that violates compasses behavior to will limit number of platform gathering Zhang, prohibit its use small letter to pay undertake fictitious currency trades gathering; The gathering specified amount that limitative individual sells a Zhang mark is spent, satisfy daily and social professional work to use only, limitation trades related fictitious money gathering. Ant gold is taken express, pay treasure to be suspected of fictitious money trading to individual account, can take function of limitative account gathering according to the clue the processing measure such as gathering of permanent even limitation. Next, pay treasure and ant gold to take can continue close monitoring platoon examines the curbstone action that involves fictitious money, build system of go on a tour of inspection to key website and account.

Keyword: Fictitious money Tecent pays treasure

Inn of nearly 2.7 million nets accepts the digital money such as bit money to pay through Coinbase

Official warning: Careful with " area piece catenary " , " fictitious money " the fraud that is a name

Official warning: Careful with " area piece catenary " , " fictitious money " the fraud that is a name

According to Dailyhodl, share shop of 2.696 million network to be able to pass Coinbase to accept money of bit money, aether money, Lai spy and bit money ready money to regard as now now pay option.

Keyword: Digital money pays

SEC weighs careful by refus ETF of 9 bit money

Official warning: Careful with " area piece catenary " , " fictitious money " the fraud that is a name

Official warning: Careful with " area piece catenary " , " fictitious money " the fraud that is a name

American negotiable securities trades committee (SEC) secretary Brent Fields expresses, SEC senior official will weigh careful by refus application of ETF of 9 bit money. Current, shang Buqing Hunan is examined when to finish. Weigh news of ETF of careful bit money in the light of SEC general, american government executes the law Jake Chervinsky of counsel for the defence expresses, according to SEC " practice is regular " 431, need a commissioner to be able to give orders to weigh careful only, reason thinks without reason ETF refus makes will be overthrown at present.

Keyword: Labour believes value of department figure currency

The State Council helps deficient up to do be about to apply technology of area piece catenary to make open sex help deficient platform up

Official warning: Careful with " area piece catenary " , " fictitious money " the fraud that is a name

The State Council helps deficient up to do Liu Xiang of information center vice director to express, in future, chinese society helps deficient net up to will use the technology of area piece catenary, will donate the catenary on information, increase public degree of belief, trust everybody of make it of the commonweal that help deficient up " transparent pocket " . Through opening platform, those who realize data " open, share " , the ode can be other the partner that wants to participate in a society to help deficient up, build Internet in all + the society supports deficient ecology group.

Keyword: Area piece catenary helps deficient up


Official warning: Careful with " area piece catenary " , " fictitious money " the fraud that is a name

Official warning: Careful with " area piece catenary " , " fictitious money " the fraud that is a name

24 hours of currency value go up drop a list of names posted up, end now 18 when

(the following content comes from Haxipa)

Official warning: Careful with " area piece catenary " , " fictitious money " the fraud that is a name

Official warning: Careful with " area piece catenary " , " fictitious money " the fraud that is a name

Official warning: Careful with " area piece catenary " , " fictitious money " the fraud that is a name

Official warning: Careful with " area piece catenary " , " fictitious money " the fraud that is a name

Official warning: Careful with " area piece catenary " , " fictitious money " the fraud that is a name

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