These 6 kinds of familiar drug cannot be taken with hot water, bilked otherwise!

These 6 kinds of familiar drug cannot be taken with hot water, bilked otherwise! These 6 kinds of familiar drug cannot be taken with hot water, bilked otherwise!

What when great majority person takes medicine, pay close attention to is the usage of medicaments and dosage, wen Ye has the water that does not know to take drug very much exquisite. Take medicine to should not be with hot water (general 60 ℃ and above) , the meeting after some medicines and chemical reagents encounter heat produces physics or chemical reaction, effect curative effect. The following and common 6 kinds of medicaments, the proposal is taken with Wen Shui or cool boiled water.


Vitamin C, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, because property is not stable, after encountering heat easy be oxidized reductive decompose, and lose medical effect.


The bases of capsule carapace is isinglass, can dissolve in hot water deliquescent, inside medicaments is released quickly, affect mouthfeel not only, and the effectiveness that affects medicaments and security. Appropriate sends with warm boiled water take.

3.Syrup kind medicaments

If relieve a cough syrup, hot water take medicine with water will be attenuant syrup, reduce viscosity, make its cannot enclothe the place such as the pharynx and larynx in inflammation to form protection medicine film, make relieve a cough thereby effect waiting for medicine sells at a discount greatly.

When reason is taking this kind of medicaments, shui Wenyi under 37 ℃ , and unfavorable drink water more.

4.Contain volatilize the Chinese traditional medicine of composition / in officinal

A lot of Chinese traditional medicine such as honeysuckle, the root of Chinese thorowax, jingjie, wrinkled giant hyssop, mint have special balmy taste, this is the naphtha that they have officinal value, do not stabilize more, encounter heat volatilizes easily and decompose.

A lot of Chinese traditional medicine contain these Chinese traditional medicine in grain, medicine to be taken after being mixed with boiling water composition, wen Buchao of water of proposal take medicine with water crosses 40 ℃ .


Yi Shui solves Amoxilin, lift along with temperature hydrolysis speed is accelerated, the material that forms after hydrolysis can cause the allergic symptom of similar penicillin.

Had better be under 40 ℃ , or with take medicine with water of cool boiled water Amoxilin grain, after rushing, take instantly, should not be long put.

6.Enzymatic kind, preparation of live vaccine, active bacterium

·Enzymatic it is the egg white that has active, the denaturation that encounter heat is caky, bring about curative effect to drop or disappear. Much commonly used master having ferment, more enzymatic piece, solution of profess to convinced of amylase of pepsin mixture, compound;

·Vaccine encounters high temperature to be able to destroy vivid, cannot have the immune airframe, effect that prevents infection;

·Active bacterium is not high temperature resistant, develop bubble with boiled water or send take can kill its, lose remedial effect thereby.

These medicaments use the Wen Shui under 40 ℃ or take medicine with water of cool boiled water commonly, send take.

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