Come 10 years casualties of how many person does shipping accident cause? Which kinds of boat have a

Recently, insurance company installs couplet to be sure (Allianz) was released newest " safety and marine report " , the report reviewed came 2008 reason of 10 years of shipping types of a shipping safety accident, accident and accident produced an area to wait for data 2017. Report middle finger goes out, marine loss shows the whole world continuance downtrend, go 10 years, marine loss reduced the whole world to exceed 1/3 (38% ) . Show according to the report, the scale of reason of make trouble of common cargoboat hair takes the in part of accident gross about, and the main reason that causes an accident is the ship sinks, accident of total loss of the shipping inside this paragraphs of time has what this reason creates more than 50% jobs.

The shipping type of total loss accident:

Come 10 years casualties of how many person does shipping accident cause? Which kinds of boat have an accident the most easily?

Boat of general currency boat, fisher, bulk cargo, passenger ship and tug are 5 kinds of shipping with top occurence rate of total loss accident, in the accident of 1129 total loss that produced 10 years in all in the past, common cargoboat (42% ) with fisher (15% ) take accident of all total loss about 60% . Among them, produced total loss accident 53 cases 2017, relatively 34 of 2016 increased 56% , and exceed a half to be common cargoboat.

Come 10 years casualties of how many person does shipping accident cause? Which kinds of boat have an accident the most easily?

The accident amount of fisher, passenger ship and tug relatively decrease before one year somewhat, and the accident amount of bulk cargo boat and tanker increases somewhat on foundation of a year afore. Among them, the accident number of passenger ship decreases come 5 cases, for the half 2016.

Come 10 years casualties of how many person does shipping accident cause? Which kinds of boat have an accident the most easily?

Total loss accident is main reason:

Come 10 years casualties of how many person does shipping accident cause? Which kinds of boat have an accident the most easily?

Shipping sunken, attaint / hard and fast, fire / explosion, mechanical failure and collision were in the past 10 years the cause with maritime the commonnest wreck, exceeding accident of half above total loss among them is shipping sinks bring about, of course, harsh weather is an element that brings about shipping to sink normally.

In the accident of 94 total loss that produced 2017, 61 because shipping is sunken,be be caused by, 13 for hard and fast be caused by, 8 for machine error be caused by, notable is, although by fire / the total loss accident that explosion causes decreases come 6 cases, for the half 2016, but there are 3 its losses to be in the shipping of damage 2017 accident of 10 big damage, visible fire / of explosion annihilative it is huge.

Come 10 years casualties of how many person does shipping accident cause? Which kinds of boat have an accident the most easily? Come 10 years casualties of how many person does shipping accident cause? Which kinds of boat have an accident the most easily?

Accident area distributings:

Come 10 years casualties of how many person does shipping accident cause? Which kinds of boat have an accident the most easily?

In the past in 10 years, area is the place with accident the most popular happening all the time near Mediterranean the eastpart part and the Black Sea (happen in all 4, 618) , however the accident occurence rate of these two area appeared to drop apparently 2017, in addition, chinese Nanhai, medium imprint peninsula, Indonesian and Philippine waited for around shipping area to produce total loss accident 30 times, relatively rose on one year 25% . The basis installs couplet statistic data to show, in the 25967 people casualties that reported 10 years in the past, the person that has 1/3 about dies at mechanical failure (8532 people) , it is shipping collision next (3787 people) and hard and fast (3740 people) .

Come 10 years casualties of how many person does shipping accident cause? Which kinds of boat have an accident the most easily?
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