The dollar cuts world economy abb, if want smash dollar, is the method that forges a dollar practica

The United States is the closest too cross aggressive, had offended early world each country is rightly its feel discontented, especially the United States uses a dollar to cut behavior of world economy woolen, come to disturbed United States through forging a dollar economy, become revengeful United States it seems that and a feasible method.

If be a technology,permission condition falls, forge a dollar secretly, it is to be able to undertake miniature free is consumed, but scale is too large, be discovered easily by the United States and other country, because the dollar is universal money, forge a dollar to be able to affect world finance order, what be about to greet so is come from world each country and U.N. prevent together, so this kind of idea is highbrow.

The dollar cuts world economy abb, if want smash dollar, is the method that forges a dollar practicable?

By this token, dollar hegemony position has not been had it seems that but shake, and actually really such also, and the United States to safeguard dollar hegemony, still did many things.

Does American insanity do a thing to be only safeguard dollar hegemony?

The United States lights the end of a flames of war to Iraq, not be to control Iraqi oil actually, hit Iraqi government to cancel the practice that oil marks a price with the dollar however, in order to safeguard dollar hegemony of the United States.

Dollar and gold unhook, but however with global resource kind commodity link up with, namely global heavy goods trades to all be mixed with dollar valuation settle accounts, and the United States is fastened to safeguard this an organic whole, not hesitate ignite flames of war.

And American is in the past has started more large-scale war 10 times inside 20 years, the reason that having inherent quality of a root rear -- the hegemonic position that defends a dollar. These wars, direct or all without exception is indirect with safeguard dollar hegemony to concern.

The dollar cuts world economy abb, if want smash dollar, is the method that forges a dollar practicable?

Increase the trade that the United States emphasizes recently. Easy fairness, with the trade of world each country. Easy friction is increasingly intense, it is for the dollar, so we can see, the dollar greeted strong rise.

Dollar hegemony can help American insanity plunder his country fortune

Because the dollar is the widest currency, because this is quantified,exceed hair dollar loosely to be able to flow into burgeoning country for the most part, the asset bubble that brings about burgeoning country thereby or inflation, if heat up money to withdraw suddenly, bring about burgeoning country possibly break down.

Previously of the dollar presswork the limitation of the limitation that is measured by gold hold and governmental credence, now, the limitation that the dollar gets has only: National interest of the United States, beautiful couplet store the conscience of 7 director and exercise restraint, and their view to monetary policy.

If a country needs to buy oil, so it is about to produce a lot of commodity to sell American to exchange a dollar, reoccupy dollar changes an oil. And American does not need, american should presswork only the dollar can buy oil. The United States sends a dollar through excessive, the goods that imparity ground exchanges a foreign country and output inflation abroad.

The dollar cuts world economy abb, if want smash dollar, is the method that forges a dollar practicable?

The United States imports commodity to pay a dollar from other country, but the commodity that the United States goes out without production or is not willing to sell correspondence of one dollar place, this is unfair trade. Accordingly, the United States wants dollar of print and distribute to be able to make money only.

By this token, the dollar serves as universal money, its hegemony position has not been had but shake, the means scalp United States through forging a dollar is too difficult, because the United States takes a dollar seriously very, once discover, the country that forges a dollar is about to face American fury.

Scalp United States still wants from dollar proceed with

Of the dollar all can plunder because current world dollar is to use the most extensive money,world money is, because this has the United States only,have monetary hegemony.

The dollar cuts world economy abb, if want smash dollar, is the method that forges a dollar practicable?

19 centuries are British century, also be the century of pound, it is the times that pound regards global money as the overlord. But the insolvency that the Second World War causes British government, subsequently, of dollar hegemony arisen become cannot keep within limits.

This explains dollar hegemony also can break down, put in deadly underlying vulnerability when American economy and when existence can replace the coin of the dollar, want to have a fuse only, for instance the United States wants trade everywhere now. Easy fairness, the RMB also is in gradually below the circumstance of internationalization, hopeful makes the money of smash dollar, the big country that the United States will lose it probably position, suffer a disastrous decline, dollar hegemony also or will begin collapse.

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