News of victory! Chen Long fights hard Indonesian boy of 3 bureaus get victory takes next crucial fr

Asia Game badminton male round final, guo Yu is Indonesian to battle Amphitryon: Head Jinting of conquer of 2-1 of the Yu Ji that send stone takes the 1st minute for Guo Yu; The double tower combination that comes on the stage subsequently nevertheless is combined by world first Xiaohuang's person 2 bureaus sweep anything away, guo Yu desertions 1 minute, imprint in both sides is hit into 1 smooth. What 2 sheet give fight is dragon of a surname of champion of Guo Yu Olympic Games, right blast Indonesian level of pay of tall of 20 years old of young general, 3 bureaus cent gives bilateral wage an arduous struggle victory or defeat, chen Long is prevenient below the case that loses one bureau, withstand pressure turns race of two bureaus changeover repeatedly, take next keys 1 minute for Guo Yu! Guo Yu 2-1 is Indonesian, be apart from champion only the Yao of one pace!

News of victory! Chen Long fights hard Indonesian boy of 3 bureaus get victory takes next crucial fraction, guo Yu gains the championship inevitable!

Male round final is opposite a watch:

Male single 1: Jin Tingnan of Shi Yuji 2-1 double 1: Li Junhui / Ji Dien of Liu Yuchen 0-2 / Su Kamu makes an appointment with a male single 2: Level of pay of tall of Chen Long 2-1 male double 2: Liu Cheng / Zhang Nan Vs Aerfulan / A De Lian holds a male single in the palm 3: Mu Si of Lin Dan Vs asks a way

Chen Long is in before what when one sheet is being held the position of in team game, develop is not good, this second match becomes 2 sheet to behave stability. Yesterday pair of battle with Chinese Taipei are medium, shi Yuji serves as one sheet not enemy week day is become, chen Long becomes the key of the match, he is prevenient dimension of prince of two bureaus changeover is pulled repeatedly below the case that loses one bureau, the Guo Yuting that help strength takes finals.

News of victory! Chen Long fights hard Indonesian boy of 3 bureaus get victory takes next crucial fraction, guo Yu gains the championship inevitable!

Both sides is right battle head bureau, chen Long enters state slower, qiaonatan is obtained very quickly with 7-2 banner, chen Long begins to strike back later, chase after score to 8 smooth, nevertheless he fails to continue to hold aggression dominant position, bilateral dogfight comes 10 after making the same score, indonesian person gets 1 minute first, enter with 11-10 bureau rest. Both sides of below half bureau is pestered for a time intense, fight all the time value 19 smooth, occurrence error of dragon of a surname of the moment of truth loses 2 minutes repeatedly, indonesian boy leaves one bureau first with 21-19.

News of victory! Chen Long fights hard Indonesian boy of 3 bureaus get victory takes next crucial fraction, guo Yu gains the championship inevitable!

The 2nd bureau begins both sides all the time dogfight comes 7 after making the same score, chen Long begins the attack that send force, gain an advantage very quickly, enter with 11-8 bureau rest; Dragon of a surname of below half bureau enlarges cent difference to 13-9 again, of Qiaonatan although have,pursue and attack notch be squelched all the time however, final Chen Long takes bureau place with 20-16. As judgement error of Qiaonatan, chen Long pulls an one bureau with 21-16.

Bureau of decide the issue of the battle, chen Long is gotten with 3-1 run away bureau, be chased after very quickly nevertheless by Indonesian boy and exceed instead, both sides begins you to come later my go toing, notch each other, chen Long is in the passive condition that seek branch all the time however, when on half bureau ends, chen Long lags behind with 9-11. After exchanging field, chen Long fails to counterattack in time, qiaonatan will divide difference to pull open again. When Chen Long 14-17 is backward, he captures an opportunity to connect 3 minutes eventually, chase after score to 17 smooth, come true to exceed instead. Final Chen Long holds a dominant position, take bureaus of next decide the issue of the battle with 21-18. Guo Yu gets 1 minute again, precede with 2-1 Indonesian!

News of victory! Chen Long fights hard Indonesian boy of 3 bureaus get victory takes next crucial fraction, guo Yu gains the championship inevitable!

Final Chen Long withstands pressure 2-1 wins the contest, this gives Guo Yunan the group gain the championship bring good news, fan laugh says: Lin Dan assume personal command, our champion in one's hand! The Zhang Nan that what be about to give fight is Guo Yu / Liu Cheng is combined, male to battle India double Aerfulan / Adeliantuo, hope they can obtain good result, cheer!

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