Show of hero of hill of area of scene of cloud dream hill, water, cereal deep and remote, hole is st

Area of Yun Mengshan scene

Hill of dream of Xing stage cloud is located in too the Xing stage county of have a common boundary of travel hill middle, Jin Ji village of room of flag of Ji Jiacun countryside, 65 kilometers of Xing stage city are apart from east, communication is easy. Inside information of culture of cloud dream hill is solid, millet of ghost of originator of Political Strategists of times of the Warring States of age of according to legend ever was here ascetic, keep has the sermon hole, pool that wash a sword, Sun Bin the many culture involuntary discharge of urine such as hole of mountain of peak, Pang tiny stream, Mao Sui is put. Traditional highlights from operas " ghost millet is downhill " , the romaunt of the numerous child such as ghost millet and Sun Bin, Pang Juan, Su Qin, Zhang Yi circulates in flag room the village is taken up to now. Yun Mengshan " show of Shan Xiong, water, cereal deep and remote, hole is strange " , especially Bai Longxi, the water shade hole from the summit and east, spew of Xi Bailong spring and piece, form 9 waterfall all the way 18 pools, if Bai Longfei is vacated, be like dance of silver-colored Lian Piao, be known as " small channel of 9 stockaded village " . Among them main tourist attraction has 9 pools 18 waterfall, on crock day, universal the day.

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