Does gold spread chamberlain - the meal in shopping centers how optional location, negotiation?

2013 around, commercial real estate is raised like emerge, the shopping centers that amounts to square to head with some is swift and violent develop, blossom everywhere, inside short time total position 100 shopping centers, also be this two years case, the centre of gravity of meal optional location is the shop side traditional market no longer, more and more meal companies open straight battalion store into shopping centers.

Does gold spread chamberlain - the meal in shopping centers how optional location, negotiation?

Install some shopping centers

Consider pair of street edge shop, shopping centers is having bigger appeal: The environment is easy, take passenger flow to wait oneself. To meal brand, the rate that extends set up shop becomes fast. So is meal brand entered be stationed in shopping centers how optional location? How to sign the hire when the contract, bail to wait to negotiate? Say to you today.

One, the position chooses law: By the side of golden horn silver

When department of trade of shopping centers action is making hire policy, 4 each horn and 4 sides are serious the most expensive. Because the place is good, eye shot is open. General meal brand falls it is the high level in shopping centers, besides the horn side the choice, also want those who consider stream of people to use a line at the same time, better from far and near of staircase, panorama lift.

2, shopping centers chooses a level: Return after control oneself or carry out hireDoes gold spread chamberlain - the meal in shopping centers how optional location, negotiation?

The Huaihe River installs some shopping centers

If you consider shopping center, when negotiating with the personnel that enrol business, after wanting to decide this shopping centers is control oneself or carry out above all, return hire. The distinction side here is big.

Control oneself: Shopping centers develops business to own property to property; Return after carry out hire: Shop of the business inside shopping centers already sold, droit does not develop business in shopping centers.

Suggest you choose control oneself trade.

1, control oneself commerce can strive for more advantageous collaboration conditions, return after carry out hire a type, development business has returned rent profit to owner ahead of schedule, the room of the negotiation is very little.

2, self-supporting commerce hire increases by degrees inside reasonable range, return after carry out hiring have time, it is 5 years commonly, owner of the property after 5 pass calls in, hire price authority is in owner, without giving thought to,owner is of your business stand or fall, so you are known.

Does gold spread chamberlain - the meal in shopping centers how optional location, negotiation?

The Huaihe River installs some shopping centers

3, invite engineering personnel spot to decide whether property condition is accorded with

After shopping centers position has chosen, take spot of professional project personnel to examine, check the meal brand that whether condition of the property inside business shop manages with you to accord with, water and electricity, light the gas, pool that lie between oil to whether be transformed reach the designated position, is dosage burning gas contented? Is fire control passed whether smoothly check and accept? ...

4, avoid lease to want to grow as far as possible, contract earnest money wants as far as possible littleDoes gold spread chamberlain - the meal in shopping centers how optional location, negotiation?

Above did not have a problem at 3 o'clock, be about to enter segment of contract provision negotiation.

1, tell you a little secret. Controller of business of shopping centers action has best hire price in the hand, negotiate in you commonly 30% of the price, whether enjoy, the negotiation ability that sees you.

2, when the negotiation as far as possible avoid lease to spin, general meal is two months. If you shift to an earlier date practice, decorate period be you avoid lease.

3, the contract honors the agreement bail wants as far as possible little, it is 3 months hire commonly, mode is detain 3 Fu San. Making earnest money less is to make sure your circulating fund is enough;

What meal basically notices in shopping centers optional location is above at 4 o'clock, still have the practice time of shopping centers additionally, the brand is entered halt when appropriate, the half an year after preventing staff invite applications for a job cannot open trade.

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