UFC2018 year the biggest fight, the mouth prepares Chinese medicine by roasting it in a pan " Connors - Maigeleige " Vs eaglet " Kabibu - Numangemoduofu " the big fight between, still time of 1 many months was about to begin, the Connors that prepares Chinese medicine by roasting it in a pan in Chinese byname mouth - Maigeleige, keep quiet all the time before, he started to talk eventually nowadays.
Mouth artillery piece
Artillery piece of the mouth in night released two dynamic cannon continuously yesterday eaglet, above all mouth artillery piece expresses: "My soldier to Wayinahe (the ancestor that accept conspicuous person is Che Chen, eaglet comes from Che Chen) , have true respect, the heart has Ling Xi's respect, but the esteem after you should know this is not scared, be in danger when me in when, my none can hesitant station is strong, keep one's hair on, keep merciless, forever forever " .
Mouth artillery piece
Be in before eaglet for many times cannon mouth artillery piece, the mouth artillery piece that says to want to let aggressive pays price in the battle, shut that when basket momently the hope that mouth artillery piece did not win, he can obliterate mouth artillery piece to wait a moment in the ground. Mouth artillery piece makes a speech to these and did not make immediate response, artillery piece of brag of a lot of people was to be fear of eaglet, the mouth prepares Chinese medicine by roasting it in a pan such speeches are to be in nowadays make clear, he does not have any dreading to eaglet.
Mouth artillery piece
Subsequently mouth artillery piece published a trends again, and @ the MMA coach of eaglet " Abodule - Numangemoduofu " the father that also is eaglet, deserve to issue chart to show: I can see you, crouch at the back of false dignity, with respect to middleaged like child, an asp craven. Mouth artillery piece although @ the father of eaglet, but he basically is to scolding eaglet. (it is in the graph, mouth artillery piece assaulted UFC bus April, cry outside " Kabibu you this craven, boil to me " when, the expression of eaglet)
Be worthy of it is thus clear that is mouth artillery piece, still exported, the coach that the mouth prepares Chinese medicine by roasting it in a pan before its are honest has replaced mouth artillery piece to make a speech, had responded to eaglet: "I just am the champion here, you and I am absent a level, when battle happening, the person that I can let you and those oppugn closes mouth, I won't be fear of anybody any challenges " . |
Eaglet of Vs of mouth artillery piece