" information of new developed area " will quickly surround view! Achieve those who join a project

" information of new developed area " will quickly surround view! Achieve those who join a project about commonweal of new developed area " dried food " you did GET arrive? " information of new developed area " will quickly surround view! Achieve those who join a project about commonweal of new developed area " dried food " you did GET arrive? " information of new developed area " will quickly surround view! Achieve those who join a project about commonweal of new developed area " dried food " you did GET arrive?

Good to do commonweal of 2018 year new developed area is achieved send the work, basis " achieve about commonweal of city of Nanjing of < of print and distribute cast management to implement measure (provisional) > inform " (2016 ﹞of ﹝ of peaceful company valve 46) and " commonweal of class of Nanjing city town is achieved cast project management to carry out detailed rules (provisional) " (﹝ of peaceful run by the local people, combinative new developed area is actual, make this plan, notice concerned condition as follows now:

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The organization is carried out

2018 year commonweal achieves river north new developed area cast sponsor by social career bureau, bid through enrolling means, respectively tripartite orgnaization is in charge of establish action of project project approving bids the metaphase of acting job and project is evaluated, dog detect, knot evaluate wait for the job.

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Mobile cycle


This second commonweal is achieved cast a project to carry out cycle to be 12 months (in September 2018, September 2019) .

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Project and capital are arranged

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Commonweal is achieved cast 3.25 million yuan

Project of 3 companies linkage 1.48 million yuan

Hatch breeds a project 300 thousand yuan

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Declare aptitude

(one) fair declare commonweal to achieve the principal part that delivers a project to must have the following requirement at the same time:


In civil administration branch formal registration book, have the capacity that assumes civil responsibility independently, business begins limits to cover river north new developed area inside straight abbacy limits; If obtain,did not choose commonweal to achieve in the organism of registration book of river north new developed area join a project, must be born new developed area registers legal person to organize (finish inside 3 months register) , project controller and group full-time staff member are stabilized inside project executive cycle be stationed in new developed area to carry out commonweal to achieve join a project.


Structure of legal person processing is perfect, interior management is perfected with supervisory system.


Have the system such as independent and sound interior management, financial management and asset management, carry out " civilian blame seeks profits constituent accounting system " .


Declare 100 thousand yuan of above (contain) commonweal is achieved join a project, need to deserve to have 1 (contain) the full-time staff member of above (full-time staff member refers in particular to personnel of pay social security) .


The working place that has a service to need, establishment, professional group and better executive ability.


Illegal record is not had inside nearly two years, yearly check qualification, social reputation is good.


The other condition that law, code sets.

(2) project of 3 companies linkage declares a condition

Basically use at encourage and giving aid to organism and individual join commonweal sex to serve a cause with community commonweal, by each street organization is declared centrally, send society of new developed area career bureau at will signing up for before the bottom in September after undertaking examine and verify decides, carry out by street and specific organization.

(3) hatch breeds a project to declare a condition

Basically use at supporting the project that promotion of undergraduate, professional and organism proper motion declare, entrust an area by social career bureau specific organization carries out organism hatch center.

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Executive flow

Current commonweal achieves cast a project to carry out by the following flow: The project is collected, project first trial, release information, project to declare, project approving is evaluated, evaluation is fair show, sign agreement, project to carry out, metaphase is evaluated, dog detect, knot evaluate.

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Declare a requirement


Quantitative requirement:

Every organism declares two projects at most, every community is most be born two projects, had accepted a government to aid financially and still repeat no longer in the project inside executive deadline aid financially, do not accept combination to answer mark.


District requirement:

Project executive district is river north new developed area inside straight abbacy limits.


Aid financially the forehead spends and orgnaization full-time personnel asks:

? Obtain the individual commonweal that aid financially to achieve drop project minimum not less than 50 thousand yuan, highest do not exceed 200 thousand yuan; Encourage street, community and social capital to undertake deserving to compare appropriately, when evaluation but first consideration or add cent.

? Aid financially a project to be in 100 thousand yuan (do not contain) above, 200 thousand yuan (contain) the following orgnaization, at least company of a full-time that hold card is versed in be stationed in a project to carry out the ground.

? Have the experience that relevant project carries out and good reputation, executive effect of project of on one year is better, rate of satisfaction of be born community is high, contest mark judges award actor to choose, grading total cent adds cent.


Survey requirement:

The organism that declares a project must the unit such as thorough and street, community begins on-the-spot survey, offer field to prove and build by survey unit official seal.

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Fund management

Project financing monitors administrative demand according to apanage, undertake unity administrative use.


Commonweal is achieved cast project financing

Its project executive ground is in street, project fund by bureau of career of society of new developed area one-time appropriate gives a seat street, by street basis project plan appropriate gives organism, namely project financing divides second appropriate, 50% of financing of project of the appropriate after project approving is evaluated, 30% of financing of project of the appropriate after metaphase is evaluated, written guarantee 20% of a financing of project of the appropriate after evaluating


Financing of project of 3 companies linkage

The basis is street declare reach situation of examine and verify of social career bureau, project fund by bureau of career of society of new developed area one-time appropriate gives a seat street, by arrangement of street proper motion


Hatch breeds project financing

Evaluate a situation according to the project, by bureau of career of society of new developed area direct appropriate gives organism.

Executive orgnaization ought to according to " special fund is special, separate business accounting, pay attention to performance " principle, build in time perfect inside charge system, special financial management and institution of accountant business accounting, accept the audit of professional audit orgnaization. Project capital funds basically should be used at the row to raise service and as direct as the service relevant pay, administration cost does not exceed project funds amount 10% .

The commonweal that fails to win the bid is achieved cast and the project that 3 companies linkage fails to decide through examine and verify, its balance capital is united by social career bureau in including hatch to breed a project, undertake operational.

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Project management

? Establish commonweal of river north new developed area to achieve join project management working group, the group leader is held the position of by leader of be assigned personal responsibility for of bureau of career of society of new developed area, assistant group leader does director of civil administration of bureau of career of director, society and disabled job to hold the position of by career of society of economy of Bureau of Finance respectively, member by social career bureau each are civil administration and controller of disabled section office, street civil administration does (division) chief composition, commonweal of specific and responsible new developed area is achieved cast an organization to carry out the job.

? Executive ground is street project, by social career bureau, street sign a contract with executive orgnaization; Face the project that whole area implements, sign a contract with executive orgnaization by social career bureau.

? Bureau of career of society of new developed area will be nonsked wait for a circumstance to undertake checking to achieving the plan that drops a project and capital to use government each, will entrust orgnaization of tripartite major to be used to project financing the circumstance undertakes with overall executive effect performance is evaluated.

? Evaluate, the important and referenced element that after the performance such as audit examines a result to will serve as, year project evaluation and capital arrange, evaluate with the grade of executive orgnaization, commend punishment of award, administration joins.

New developed area of north of Nanjing city river runs bureau of committee society career

On August 20, 2018

Add: Commonweal of river north new developed area was achieved 2018 cast declare demand summary table

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Reporter: Li Fei

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