Financial foundation peaceful believed message now on August 23 main area 400B drops 5.77% , clinch a deal 2800 yuan. Up to now the price inside field is 0.931 yuan, current the net value outside this fund field is 0.876 yuan, annulus compares last trading day drops 1.57% , excessive price rate is 6.28% , price lever is 1.893, net value lever is 2.169, net value of current parent fund is 0.942, this fund dogs the index is basic 400, next actually folding fund needing a parent drops 32.73% , fund needing a parent is folded to go up on 113.89% .
Financial foundation data shows, close this fund net value dropped in January 9.50% , nearly 3 months this fund net value drops 52.65% , close this fund net value dropped in June 52.41% , nearly 1 year this fund net value drops 63.25% , since holding water, net value of this fund accumulative total is 0.572 yuan, the corresponding period dogs of the index go up for - 0.89% .
Since this fund holds water, share out bonus 0 times, amount of accumulative total share out bonus 0 yuan.
Below the convention of this fund period convert date is on January 2, 2019, please investor is advertent.
I want to buy: Peaceful believes main area 400 classification (162907)
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