Rain comes

Rain comes

These days the keyword of weather is absolutely

High temperature + fuggy + showery

Future suffers 3 days slant south influence of warm wet air current, chengdu general once apparent rainfall, rainfall moderate rain, local rainstorm. Drop in temperature have a bit, but namely from highest 35 ℃ fall 32 ℃ , fall finite.

Observatory of the Chengdu City released " rainstorm blue early-warning " :

Rain comesRain comes

Rainstorm of place of part of the eastpart part, specific place 100 millimeter above, the companion when rainfall has thunder and short when blast sexual gale, specific place has hail.

Rain comes

Did not come 3 days

Arrive 27 days 26 days night cloudy by day turn shade has moderate rain, rainstorm of place of part of the eastpart part, accompany have thunder and short when blast sexual gale, air temperature 32 ℃ of 23 ~ ;

Arrive 28 days 27 days night by day between the cloudy day cloudy have moderate rain, local rainstorm, air temperature 32 ℃ of 22 ~ ;

Arrive 29 days 28 days night by day between the cloudy day cloudy have moderate rain, local rainstorm, air temperature 32 ℃ of 23 ~ .

Air quality

Rain comes



Sweet clew

Rain comesRain comesRain comes

The likelihood when rainfall accompanies the strong weather such as thunder gale hail, should notice to be on guard the adverse effect of calamity sex weather.

Drop in temperature range is narrow, fuggy system feels clear after rain, still want to notice sunstroke prevention drops in temperature.

Rain comes
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