Shi Mai

Shi MaiGo up when elementary school, be worth the time that transfers thoroughly, the food that the production team distributes is finite, firm thrill through year, in the home with respect to earthen jar De Chaotian. Lean half branny half dish fare. My years is young, not sensible, holding the steamed bread of corn that mingles together with cottonseed skin and maize core face in both hands, croak to the mother: It is it, too insipid. The mother fools me: Good child, pass some of day a surname again ripe, hit next wheat to moment, mom eats to your evaporate white steamed bread.

Shi Mai

In my appetite, white steamed bread is the thing with the most delicious the world. Listen to Mom to say to be able to let me eat on white steamed bread, glossal root spills over immediately saliva, hasten examine minutely: How many time to still get? The mother answers: The wheat in the ground becomes yellow ripe.

Then, I everyday after school, bearing abdomen be hungry, run in the corn field outside the village, look at wheat to grow tall, Xiu Sui every day, become yellow. Wind whiff, turn over the billow with a golden wave. Longed to come eventually wheat harvest.

Shi Mai

Wheat harvest is the busiest season in the village. The elementary school as usual of the village puts wheat holiday, let children come home side adult works. The day is not light still, the Tie Zhong of village mouth bomb ring rises, the go to the fields that urge a person cuts wheat. The mother arouses me from inside sleep, throw a drawstring before, urgent: Fast rise, with young associate people Shi Mai goes! Then, the classmate accompany in I and team is chosen in corn field pick up scattering ear.

Shi Mai

Receive Mai Tian, burning sun is very poisonous, buckle like tremendous brazier in the sky, bake my scalp hair is very hotly, the hair passes like bathe, persistently outward excessive sweat, flow downward down the face, in rinse mouth, suffer from again salty. See the ground of chap is seamed, must not become daughter-in-law bug to be gotten very much cool and cool. Do not take care, ankle by pointed hard wheat stubble perverses a cut of a few blood, those who get a heart is painful. I am frightened so that cry immediately cry rise. The maternal Wen Sheng that cutting wheat nearby runs to me before, grab from the ground one gather earth, twist between the finger broken end, scatter on the cut that I bleed, rebuke I: Rub nods a skin, cry what, male still child. Pick up from the ground again an ear lifts me before: Do you know this ear has much Jin Gui, it and feminine bosom child are same, large half an year was endured in the ground, just blossom this appearance. Wheat of this one spic can make 10 several seed, a small wheat can hit one Ju wheat, one Ju wheat can evaporate warmths twice the white steamed bread of soft. Want to lose it in the ground, meet with namely evil? Careful the nose that Hades father holds you in the evening, pick up quickly!

Shi Mai

After the mother goes, I raise ear to look to the sun, see there is the ray like gold between ear, stick on nose to be heard, have the sweet smell of flour steamed bun really, cannot help spilling over below glossal root a buccal water. Came up and down all over strong, kick to pick up wheat persistently in the ground, pick up full hind, unplug from ground edge grass of a bulrush is bound rise, put in back. Imperceptible, place below one smooth wheat after one's death, resembling is the teacher gets on a string when hit to string together check the number originally in exercise, extremely good-looking. After the sun presses hill, I extend string in the ground, receive wheat handle together to had been bound, with young associate people in the threshing ground that fellow makes a production team accordingly. After returning the home, clain merit to the mother: The wheat that I pick up is most. Maternal boast: Pick up well, I will let you eat the day after tomorrow on the good steamed bread of white noisy noisy. If really, lay between a day, the cent in the team issues new wheat, face of wear of maternal the same night, evaporate a few steamed breads. The following day early in the morning, the handkerchief that weaves with coarse cloth included steamed bread of a flour, enjoin: Pick up wheat well, bright still let you take flour steamed bread.

Shi Mai

At that time, production is backward, wheat crop is very low, a person can divide a few jins of wheat only. Summer harvest was over, the wheat below cent also takes the surplus that get place very few. Wheat became peasant household person the rarest the holy substance that lack.

After summer harvest passes, although corn field has been picked up, always return unavoidable the wheat head that involuntary discharge of urine falls. The women that hunger was afraid of always want to be being stolen go out to pick up wheat to paper a mouth. But the production team does not allow a commune member to go out however Shi Mai, expedite commando technically to patrol in village mouth, discovery is carrying wheat to bind child, carrying wheat basket on the back, carrying wheat basket to enter a village, uniform confiscate. Compel is so called convict makes an inspection on tweeter. For not hungry abdomen of the family, maternal risk danger in desperation, meet Sunday, handkerchief of the coarse cloth that use a hand wraps on two steamed bun, say to me stealthily: Go, we pick up wheat. The day is not light getting me to pick up wheat in very far from the village corn field, I let carry a hop-pocket on the back when before leaving. I indissoluble the ground asks: Take this what to is used? The mother answers: To moment you knew.

Shi Mai

Cornfield does not know to had been picked up how many times, the ear that involuntary discharge of urine falls is few. I swept the wheat stubble ground of bald, interrogative ground asks a mother: Ear disappears in this ground. The mother says to me: Good child, eat steamed bun to drop steamed bun flower even, it is corn field has the wheat head that desertion with respect to affirmation, we am picked up here. Then, let I and her one case Ge kicks in wheat stubble ridge in a field, move forth at the same time, eye of one side pop, a inch of one very little ground accepts demand. Discover lever of a wheat, as if one find out treasure, clutch goes wheat lever, put wheat head in hop-pocket. Pick up suffusion bag, the mother goes in the firm ground of edge of a field, kick next bodies, a hand is holding bag mouth, a hand captures the rub mix that hop-pocket will come to make a round trip. The ear teem that breaks mix again comes, reoccupy mouth blows off foreign matter, show glistening Mai Li. Draw out an apron from the bosom next, wrap Mai Li cautiously rise, in the brushwood that gets ground edge. Be picked up next again. Collect a day all the time black. Pour the Mai Li in apron finally li of hop-pocket in. When returning village mouth, let me carrying hop-pocket advanced village. Guard do in the commando interrogate of village mouth I do what? I according to the mother enjoin, saying is to Lao a married woman's parents' home. Commando sees I am a child, also did not take what thing, with respect to discharged. Wait for a day completely black after coming down, commando removed an examination, the mother just sneaks away stealthily come home. Full a summer, the mother is taking me to go out at least pick up wheat ten times. Always can pick up three jins of Mai Li everyday, a summer can pick up 669 jins of glistening Mai Li unexpectedly, be equivalent to production team deal out the grain ration of two people. The mother deposits these wheat bead in a black crock designedly, not be willing to part with or use eats, all the time assemble arrives flour of wear of the ability when spending the New Year, evaporate becomes white steamed bread, besides walk along kin to use, still can let family person take white steamed bread on a few times. The collect carefully that remain is in face canister, lie between 3 difference 2 ground roll becomes beanstalk child, noodle of make it soup, hit a tooth hold a memorial ceremony for to family person, add some of precious nutrition. After be brought up till me, I became total labor force, all day long is done by the arrangement in the team farm work, can no more pick up wheat. Later, elder brother and I am brought up in succession, answer a village to work in the ground earn workpoint. Although can be divided to the end of the year some red, disjunctive commissariat still eats not quite. Every arrive summer, the mother is thrown taking little sisters to go out pick up wheat. After eldest brother marriage, the mother is taking the daughter-in-law that just took the door to go again adjacent village picks up wheat. In the time that transfers thoroughly, the mother is getting our sibling to had picked up how many wheat after all, imponderable. But can affirm a bit, if picking up wheat this livelihood, really adv unimaginably, how can the family weather those are endless and hard years.

Shi Mai

Go up century 80 time, land transfer to a lower level arrives door, the wheat that hits in the home is very much, light of all the year round eats flour to also do not eat. But the habit that the mother still is scrupulouslying abide by Shi Mai. Every arrive summer harvest, I what the mother always enjoins to work in the county ask for leave wheat harvests in side home. At that time, rate of mechanization of farming is very low still. Receive Mai Quanping artificial. Although I had done farm work a few years in the production team, but because crouch in mechanism at ordinary times, lack takes exercise. Work abruptly cut wheat, bind wheat, help the farm work of the high strenth such as wheat, suit hard temporarily, arm of the tired acid that get a leg is painful. One have leisure, always want paralysis to sit in go to bed of edge of a field a little while. But year the mother of close already a cycle of sixty years still is mixed however young when same, have the interest that does not make all over. Mix by day family person together a sweat swings exert of 8 valve ground. The bout when meal mouth is excellent, I lie in the go to bed on kang, she is urgent however 3 fire 4 ground cook to family person. After eating a meal, hasty fix is over bowl chopsticks, with us a go to the fields works. Every receive a cornfield, she always considers even the sweat on forehead must not brush, the cat is worn girth, ge kicks to pick up an ear that discard seriously in wheat stubble. Once, see drip persistently of sweat crease a face, I what sit in the go to bed below tree of edge of a field cannot help the ground calls out: Mom, we wheat that hits every year does not eat, a few wheat in the ground to still care about? Did not pick up, look you tired, go to bed of fast go to bed. Maternal raise starts, put in the hair of the grey that hangs down to go up to the face 's charge to arriving after the head, give me forcedly forcedly: Doesn't this ear of wheat grow? You can forget how in the past, fast come over to pick up wheat! Maternal word resembles beating hammer on the heart, I suddenly one terrified, regret oneself blurt out actually so irreverent word. All over tired clear off, double arrives in the ground, resemble previously in that way, ge kicks beside in the mother, serious ground picks up a wheat to come. I a meter the great stature of eight, usually sits be used to the office, bend nest of 3 cut ground suddenly to be in the ground, rely on two feet to bearing the weight of systemic weight, a inch of one very little ground forth move is worn pick up wheat, that taste is really bad to suffer. But see a mother of one face mix gravely devotional, I all over instantly the energy with tremendous infuse, ground of honor permits no turning back is picked up rise. As if from wheat pick up between ridge in a field rise, be a dazzling Ji bead, one string strings together the hope of the life, the longing with one precious continuously, one supreme divine.

Shi Mai

Time is like an arrow. Suddenly, I already was over sixty years old, many things had faded from his memory, only alone one's early years follows the picture of maternal Shi Mai still clearly is in eye. Make I feel " one congee one meal, should think of hard-earned, " make I am known value food, awe-stricken labor, how be an upright person work.

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