Roam about feline black rice

Black rice is one roams about small black cat, this is my appellation to him. Wander around my home by chance one day. It seems is ravenous, then I took bit of flesh piece to give it. Did not think of evermore, he did not go, saunter in my home every day.

Time grew, every nod what mew with respect to mew to have a meal to the meal. Satiate hind, wash wash a face, hit a few to boil sell a bud, go out to play with respect to oneself next. We also are not in charge of him. After the dog in the home often died, also do not have animal associate again, his existence, also can add a lease of life. Roam about feline black riceThe disposition of black rice is very docile, won't flinch person. How to bully him again, also won't get angry, always still use a head very the loiter on the edge of enjoyed each appearance furniture in the house comes loiter goes, seem to lack love and care. Let me eat the heart of compassion. Feel should right he is bit better.

A after thinking of 2 days morning, come home hear what he mews in the mew in the courtyard to cry, sound is very abnormal, the heart wants to still be less than a meal to nod, how hungry, perhaps got hurt? Look into the courtyard, he caught a mouse unexpectedly, holding a station to visitting a house in the doorway in, wait to open the doorRoam about feline black rice

Of that mice or work, just when I am hesitant when, he sees me, stepping kitten pace immediately, ambiguous mew mew runs to me. I understood, he will pay a debt of gratitude, cannot accept next its gifts of course.

Roam about feline black rice

He himself makes fun of mice in that then, show all sorts of mouse skill to me. Very happy look. It is that mice met with only disaster, was frightened quickly to die, still was given to eat by black rice finally.

Roam about feline black rice

Since then, almost everyday catch mice to send excellent doorway. Everybody is more favorite to him, he also of feel at ease and justified became this. Patrol around the home every day. Occasionally to safeguard feudal, still follow other feline Mi quarrel, other cat reaved for fear that his position. This is small disposition also is to who do not have.

Discover black rice can eat particularly recently, tummy is tiny big, should be to be pregnant. Do not catch mouse in him so when, I allow him to sleep to become aware greatly in my fossa. The look that sees him sleep still resembles me really, always be a hand is built go up in forehead. Ha. Have its advocate surely its mew. Roam about feline black riceTwo kittens of grandma home ate poisonous mouse to die, so plan Hei Misheng leaves a few after next kittens. The grandma says feline dog is not raised in vain, the meeting is special.

No matter how, our home is after black rice.

Roam about feline black rice

Roam about feline black rice

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