Drop of drop of be murdered of downwind car of 20 years old of girls superintends Wen Zhou lax apolo

Drop of drop of be murdered of downwind car of 20 years old of girls superintends Wen Zhou lax apologize once more

Yang Xuemei of Feng Qingyan of reporter of economic observation network's exercitation reporter on August 25, the net passes Zhejiang lukewarm state 20 years old couplet is broken after girl Zhao Mou takes a drop to arrange the windmill. Police confirmed this information. Drop drop releases announcement to express, customer service acceptance replies two hours but did not accomplish, before also was aimed at in time, be opposite of guilty suspect complain undertake investigating dealing with, platform is had cannot the responsibility of shirk.

On August 25 before dawn, @Super_4ong of small gain netizen sends rich to say, zhao of girl of Zhejiang lukewarm city some 24 days afternoon 1 when from Wen Zhou the Le Qing of city is headed for always fine when, couplet is broken after taking downwind car. Midday, public security bureau of happy quiet town released statement to confirm this one information, announce in before dawn 4 Shi Liu small towns seize guilty suspect Zhong Mou (male, 27 years old, Sichuan person) . Classics is preliminary investigate, zhong Mou of this drop driver explained pair of Zhao Mou to carry out a rape, the guilty fact that kills its. Current, victim body already was found, the case is being investigated further in.

Drop drop released statement to respond to a netizen to offerring the doubt of driver individual information, cannot mix the passenger car director why the individual information of one party gives police the person beyond.

Basis " lukewarm city Metropolis Daily " report, ms. Le Qinglin ever had taken the car of guilty suspect afternoon the day before yesterday, from Le Qinghong the bridge arrives old man , the driver reachs its area devious point conspire against the law, ms. Lin complains this matter subsequently to drop drop platform, but up to did not get relevant feedback and processing result in hair of case of girl fall victim. Ms. Lin also admitted in drop drop statement " ask the passenger sits to in front of for many times, open devious place, the driver after getting off continued to follow a paragraph of distance " complain content, express to fail to be handled in time to complaining, customer service acceptance replies but fail to accomplish have cannot the responsibility of shirk.

Before this an empty elder sister was in Zhengzhou May the be murdered in taking a drop to arrange windmill route, caused social limits to discuss extensively inside. Drop drop respect states downwind car business gets offline inside countrywide limits, close down is checked oneself rectify and reform a week; Other platform business is examined in the round to measuring a driver completely, clear with all methods the likely person car on platform nots agree with circumstance; Operation and customer service system are rectified and reform in the round. Platform socialization function is cut down considerably, before strengthening the journey, superintend, raise the newspaper police standard in the journey.

Went merely however 3 months, rectify and reform a result to give user pawn a cold water. Drop drop expresses, will continue to cooperate police actively, do work of deal with problems arising from an accident of follow-up of good family member with all one's strength at the same time, and no matter acceptance is jural whether does platform have duty, and ought to assume how many responsibility, all criminal case that produces on prospective platform, drop drop will consult the standard of person harm compensation that law sets offers the compensation of 3 times. Life does not have valence, what the public expects is not second crisis public relations of monetary compensation and enterprise, however cogent platform flaw is rectified and reform.

Drop drop goes out is the network with our country the largest inland at present all right platform of service agreement a car. Announce according to ministry of science and technology " 2018 China alone horny animal company grows a report " , drop drop is worth a row with appraise of 56 billion dollar the 2nd. Before this occupied April " wall street daily " message, value of appraise of drop drop financing is in certainly at least 70 billion - 80 billion dollar. May " daily of Hong Kong economy " divulge a drop is the sharpest second half of the year is started appear on the market, hong Kong of settle of preliminary already decision. July " finance and economics " the message says, drop drop will tear apart its car to take business, be worth in order to make an appointment with the before casting appraise of 3 billion dollar, financing 1 billion - 1.5 billion dollar. The attention of downwind car disturbance is spent can last how long, the financing that drips to dripping appears on the market the plan is influential, still be unknown.

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