A lot of amateurs have deep love for one of reasons of the football, can play together with the friend, have the challenge on the technology not only, and still can keep healthy, let you have an able-bodied physique.
Besides ability tactics skill, football athlete returns what should have Gao Shuiping to have oxygen and ability of the motion that do not have oxygen, nimble, balance, harmonious, rate, erupt force and force. These had better carry high strenth is intermittent training, small game, repeat sprint, speed and nimble sex training, force and erupt force training will build.
And for the children that train to playing a football, in teenager period (6-12 year old) with adolescence (12-19 year old) can produce countless change, football motion can be promoted well grow and develop.
In these phase, the football trains battalion (camp of training of autumn of Kunming annals boat begins recruit students. Ask, 087165628881, 15925187266) should make a few long-term to them sports develop crucial alternative, must ensure they can join all sorts of campaign widely, such their ability make sure the body develops in the round, the ability when having all sorts of sports activities will be more safe.
It is OK that muscle strength and physical ability association point out American country to begin teenage athlete from 6 years old in ensure to undertake below safe circumstance force, harmonious the training with athletic ability respect.
Athletic expert says: Begin to use reasonable method to undertake force trains from children period, the health to children not only harmless, and to growing development is beneficial. Newest research points out, from 6 ~ 14 years old undertake 47 athletes of force training the person of 90% is caught up with and exceed its father height from time to tome in 17 years old. Its father height exceeds when 19 years old highest amount to 10.4%(the smallest exceed 1cm, exceed 17cm) at most, meanwhile, force training can make bone be added closely character thick, raise skeletal consistence. Undertake force trains to still can improve the function of cardiovascular system and respiratory system.
To 13 ~ teenager test of 16 years old makes clear: 1The heartbeat when the athlete that force training is engaged in when 4 years old is quiet is 70 times / cent, lower than be not the heartbeat when the athlete is quiet 10 / cent. The heartbeat is decelerated is heart function those who increase is good get used to a change, its vital capacity gets rising apparently, the teenager of 1/3 achieves 5300 litres, the person of 57% grows up more than, the person of 30% nears adult target. Visible, teenager children can make through inchoate force training each motion organ obtains good athletic position, avoid effectively and prevent athletic damage.
8 ~ are development of quality of force of children of our country teenager 15 years old is sensitive period, force and erupt the sheer growth value of force is mixed year of increase rate in 13 ~ 15 years old the biggest. So, inchoate force training can make the body train a level to rise more quickly on the base that increases naturally, those who be athletic technology is perfect the preparation that makes good fitness with automation