" city east alarm thing " enthusiastic " driver " whole baggage devil's talons is extended wrap

" city east alarm thing " enthusiastic " driver " whole baggage devil's talons is extended wrap to the passenger

Long-distance car, everybody has sat, the person on the car is mixed, come from each district, each other is not acquainted, in this new environment, driver master serves enthusiasticly, kind talk can let everybody have the feeling of a kind of guests feel at home, the passenger is full of trustful feeling to the driver, can be this kind of trustful feeling, let a little illegal element take the chance to extend devil's talons to the passenger.

" city east alarm thing " enthusiastic " driver " whole baggage devil's talons is extended wrap to the passenger

On August 21, 2018, change of Kong Mou choosing comes Xining city city east warden road passenger station, look for is worn " catch hunt " object, abrupt, his swaggeringly trend carries the car of long-distance passenger transportation that the passenger is about to set out to go up, ground of adroitness of edge of the car on him " arrange " move the baggage that is put in rack to go up, the mouth inside crying: "Ask authority him put away baggage, valuable is carried please. " the passenger looks at this " driver " enthusiastic act, did not discover what is unusual, some passengers still thank to him, he is very easy also the ground nods to the passenger time wither. Little imagine, this enthusiastic " driver " when getting off, come back with fruitful results, he today's " time " search went up. Just when he leaves when passenger station, was discovered to declare by attentive masses alarm.

Below the assistance of square police station, city east group of public security gumshoe this enthusiastic " driver " capture obtain, before the evidence of authentic and august law, guilty suspect Kong Mou chooses pair of its crime facts to admit, explained at the same time with same way thieve more than yuan of 3000 cash had prodigal guilty fact on August 19.

Current, guilty suspect Kong Mou is chosen already by lawfully criminal is detained, the case is doing in farther detect in

" city east alarm thing " enthusiastic " driver " whole baggage devil's talons is extended wrap to the passenger

Police clew: On long-distance car, advertent stranger, do not put in rack of the bag of valuable, answer to be carried, big baggage must be put in look up visible place, in case by pilfer.

" city east alarm thing " enthusiastic " driver " whole baggage devil's talons is extended wrap to the passenger
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