Fan pings to the country 29 years old of veteran apologize! One elder sister of Japanese suffers a d

International pinged couplet Czech surpasses proceed publicly 2018, in battle of focus of final of female odd 1/4, the country pings 4-3 of beautiful of article of 29 years old of veteran washs out Japan sincere promotion of beauty of cane of Yi of one elder sister 4 strong. Wen Jia wins alarmingly dangerous to stimulate, in the 6th bureau 4 than 10 backward, adversary hand grasps the circumstance of 6 game ball to fall, connect 6 minutes, take the 6th bureau finally with 13-11. Bureau of decide the issue of the battle, wen Jia continues strong performance, take finally with 11-7, big score 4 more beautiful than Yi Teng of player of 3 conquer Japan sincere, promotion 4 strong.

Fan pings to the country 29 years old of veteran apologize! One elder sister of Japanese suffers a defeat by discreditable sex, fan speak bluntly is too exciting

And beautiful to Yi Teng sincere for, this suffers a defeat is discreditable sex, below the circumstance that 10-4 precedes the hand holds 6 game ball, lost a ball finally unexpectedly, it is discreditable sex fails absolutely. After get victory of article beautiful changeover, have fan to apology of this 29 years old of veteran, fan expresses: "I should apologize to article beautiful elder sister, the 6th bureau because feel to want to be defeated immediately,ought not to cannot bear the heart looks to be exited ahead of schedule! Gave beautiful elder sister genuflect " .

Fan pings to the country 29 years old of veteran apologize! One elder sister of Japanese suffers a defeat by discreditable sex, fan speak bluntly is too exciting

Below the hopeless situation that in Wen Jia 4-10 of the 6th bureau lags behind, a lot of fan abandoned directly. Fan expresses: "Wen Jia is too arrogant, 4 than 10 backward, rescued 7 game ball, win the 6th bureau, of final regret is 4 than 10 did not look " , " elder sister of Miss Wen Jia is super and fierce really rescue 6 bureaus to nod, play the game into bureau of decide the issue of the battle, the state of mind of veteran is firm still ah " , " Wen Jia of the 6th bureau is too outstanding really, psychology is harder than Yi Teng, watch numerous heart within an inch of to be overcome simply " .

Fan pings to the country 29 years old of veteran apologize! One elder sister of Japanese suffers a defeat by discreditable sex, fan speak bluntly is too exciting

And Yi Teng is beautiful sincere bottleneck is immersed in after Japan makes public contest to gain the championship, successive 3 stations make public contest not to have predestined relationship female sheet 4 strong, and below the circumstance that still pings in the country many brunt did not take part in the match. Australia makes public contest, yi Teng is beautiful sincere He Zhuojia was defeated in 1/4 final, bulgaria is surpassed publicly first-run by Wang Yi enlighten fall into disuse, this station Czech makes public contest, final of sincere 1/4 of Yi cane beauty is washed out by article beautiful changeover again.

Fan pings to the country 29 years old of veteran apologize! One elder sister of Japanese suffers a defeat by discreditable sex, fan speak bluntly is too exciting

Regard Japan as the absolutely brunt of female ping, yi Teng is beautiful sincere lose a country continuously player of ping second line, make a lot of people a little accident. Japanese female ping is strategical abandon an Asia Game, send total main force to give fight Bulgaria and Czech two stations are common match, the purpose pings in the country brunt is short of blast gain the championship below the circumstance fish for integral. But things go contrary to one's wishes, beautiful of 3 Ishikawa of large main force beautiful eaves of pure, champaign, Yi Teng is beautiful sincere how many petty gain was not taken in the antagonism that pings with the country recently. Hit instead however repeatedly.

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