Development of area of De Qing piling dragon begins safety of food of autumn school dining room spec

When autumn terms begins, to strengthen each school further, hold safety of food of young orgnaization dining room in the palm to superintend, cogent safeguard wide Great Master gives birth to dietary safety, during coming 24 days on August 20, 2018, the area feeds medical bureau leading organization to begin safety of food of autumn school dining room special supervise, each villages and towns began safety of food of school dining room to check in succession inside respective area under administration.

Development of area of De Qing piling dragon begins safety of food of autumn school dining room special superviseDevelopment of area of De Qing piling dragon begins safety of food of autumn school dining room special supervise

This special supervise, according to " law of safety of food of People's Republic of China " , the key checks school dining room " food business certificate " the circumstance that hold card, " 3 prevent " management of health of facilities facilities, personnel, food plain complementary makings stores system of ticket of all alone of the card that reach all alone is fulfilled, food treatment operates a standard flow, meal is provided clean disinfection and eat hutch litter management, food, and " bright kitchen bright cooking stove " the content such as executive job. In the examination, below the arrangement that feeds medical bureau in the area and guidance, whole area two towns join 4 country this area under administration is actual, by deputy countryside of be assigned personal responsibility for (town) strip head, provision is safe assist each school is reached inside area under administration of development of the member that be in charge of hold young orgnaization in the palm, solid began inspection of safety of food of school dining room and educational work. Add up to supervisory school dining room 32, make known to lower levels supervises opinion book more than 10, and processing of destroy by melting or burning expires biscuit more than bags 20, the requirement strengthens food to reach former complementary makings stores government works. In the meantime, to each school development conduct propaganda taught food safety and meal service standardization to operate relevant content. Meanwhile, the area feeds medical bureau to city of the Lhasa inside area under administration the vocational school had that the 4th high middle school, high middle school and Lhasa city food safety is supervised.

Development of area of De Qing piling dragon begins safety of food of autumn school dining room special superviseDevelopment of area of De Qing piling dragon begins safety of food of autumn school dining room special supervise

Through this supervise, enhanced main body of safety of food of school dining room and administrative responsibility further, promoted food safety of safety government ability and meal service food standardization operates a level. Accuse food pollution and food to prevent the harm of poisonous, harmful element to school teachers and students, the happening that takes strict precautions against disease of the sex that feed a cause had positive effect.

Literal picture content feeds medical bureau to offer by the area

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