Exposure! Concentration reports appropriate guest wine of cadre of a batch of Party members drives a

Exposure! Concentration reports appropriate guest wine of cadre of a batch of Party members drives an issue!

As drunk drive punishment, a lot of wine are driven drunk draw action by exposure publicly expose, but even if is such, the wine driver of defy the law still emerges in endlessly. As we have learned, about the traffic accident of half the number all drives with wine hind about, wine is driven drunk drive what already became traffic accident is the biggest " killer " .

Exposure! Concentration reports appropriate guest wine of cadre of a batch of Party members drives an issue!

In recent years, policeman of Na Xi whole area is driven to wine drunk drive take 0 tolerant attitudes, uninterrupted begin special operation, severity is investigated. Wine drivers also paid enormous illegal price accordingly. In the meantime, discipline of Na Xi area appoint censorial appoint rely on cadre of Party member of appropriate guest city to violate information alternant platform, make the wine drivers that administration punishs to public security mechanism, make disciplinary action of party card discipline lawfully, now will since this year the wine of Party member cadre of Na Xi area is driven drunk drive an issue, the bulletin is as follows:

Unit of full name job and post violate behavior colour Jiang Luolong wine of secretary of Party branch of village of street stone mountain drives Chen Zhiyu Luo Long wine of Party member of street fir village drives ursine Kui Wang Jiazhen wine of Party member of new bridge village drives Nie PingExposure! Concentration reports appropriate guest wine of cadre of a batch of Party members drives an issue!

Wine is driven kill a person again oneself

Party member cadre should have risen to be the first more action

Do not wine is driven!

Clean-fingered Na Xi of article origin Piao

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