Center of product quality supervision and inspection of breast of Shaanxi province sheep hangs out h

Center of product quality supervision and inspection of breast of Shaanxi province sheep hangs out his shingle hold water

On August 22, center of product quality supervision and inspection of breast of Shaanxi province sheep hangs out his shingle in rich smooth county hold water. Indicate the food of a rich smooth county examines detect ability and food are superintended go up again new standard. Uncover card ceremony to be chaired by subprefect Fan Yueli. Read out of Wang Nan section chief of division of science and technology of bureau of province qualitative inspect " the give an official that Shaanxi visits quality technology supervisory bureau to visit center of ovine breast product quality supervision and inspection about establishing Shaanxi " ; City pledges Zhang Haiqian of literature of king of inspect bureau director, head of a county uncovers a shop sign.

Center of product quality supervision and inspection of breast of Shaanxi province sheep hangs out his shingle hold water

This center is located in center of hatch of business of new and high division, lab establishment is advanced and all ready, it is collect sheep breeds the product examines, scientific research development, talent grooms the omnibus sheep breast that is an organic whole produces orgnaization of quality be careful in one's conduct. Was saved 2 kinds to pledge inspect bureau accredit adopted breast and dairy produce and provision this year in July 88 parameter. Up to now, this center accredit passes attestation parameter achieves 13 kinds 145 parameter.

Center of product quality supervision and inspection of breast of Shaanxi province sheep hangs out his shingle hold water

Center of product quality supervision and inspection of breast of Shaanxi province sheep hangs out his shingle hold water

Prefectural market superintends victory of bureau director Zhao to express, examine central general is ceaseless and perfect each regulations system, strengthen quality management and control, perfect interior runs a mechanism, rise examine detect technical capability, scientific justice, sincere letter issue well and truly examine detect data, breed Shaanxi province sheep center of product quality supervision and inspection builds a He Fuping hard " Chinese sheep breeds " the qualitative check famous brand that rivals.

Editor: ? Sentence Lv? article, figure: The announce outside Fu Ping

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