Inform against! I want dimension right! About from media

Drop drop is downwind yesterday message of be murdered of happy clear girl uploads bubbling with noisely in the net, and as new from media person, also share the view that kept a hereon job, the article is him author (Feng of short of Wenshui River) achieve formerly, (make clear a picture to all come from a network) . Wrote seriously one afternoon achieve formerly, be in eventually 16:42 publish. Achievement feels full. The thing that produces later however makes me very furious...

Inform against! I want dimension right! About from media

Achieve formerly

Awake early in the morning today, I had been read by how many person with respect to the wants to see me essay of too impatient to wait. However, I search a keyword to look for my article in today's top headlines, those who appear is the network address that browses a page in Baidu however! The dot goes in see what oneself article is not differred by one word change a name to be " sociological professor " the person is published again! ! ! I am angry!

Inform against! I want dimension right! About from media

Borrowed express time

Inform against! I want dimension right! About from media

My achieve formerly express time

"Sociological professor " , what have 2 more than 1000 vermicelli made from bean starch as is old from media, go to what just applied for me what still do not arrive 3 days from media borroweding (Feng of pseudonym short of Wenshui River) article. Disgraceful? Do not feel abashed? ! The pain that taking me composes achievement, the amount of vermicelli made from bean starch that uses oneself, go the eyeball that date of a hunderd schools earns more person! So, I cannot be borne!

Inform against! I want dimension right! About from media

Borrowed intactly

So, I want dimension right! I should inform against date of a hunderd schools in " sociological professor " ! As new from media, must do well achieve formerly! Severe blow borroweds this kind person! I should get due thought fors the time being!

Hello, I am from Feng of media short of Wenshui River, today, I should inform against a person of the same trade to be taught from media sociology! I should safeguard my legitimate rights and interests! If you see, please energetically transmit lets all see from media person, the rights and interests that lets oneself does not suffer encroach!

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