" is Jian read " the car has a room to business shop became poverty door however? Check " enter d

" is Jian read " the car has a room to business shop became poverty door however? Check " enter deficient phonily " 8 kinds of expression

Opening limousine car to get under one's name of accessorial money, poverty door to the car has a room to business shop, accessorial object is " relation door " " favor door " ... these is in impoverished population essence spots the practise fraud in the job definitely, the phenomenon that the blame that does not accord with a standard impoverished population brings into a side to help limits up to enjoy governmental minister makes a person detest. In recent years, various record be careful in one's conduct is censorial mechanism gravity investigates exposure many cases " false poverty door " the corruption of backside and style problem, pass through these problems, central discipline appoint national prison appoint the website was combed " enter deficient phonily " 8 kinds of expression.

1. knows perfectly well existence to pretend to be poverty door problem, still approve appropriate fund

Came 2015 2016, village of stockaded village of Cui of countryside of stockaded village of view of county of Heibei province gigantic deer is in project of executive vegetable big canopy pretend to be the country of falsely claim as one's own of means make a false report such as poverty door in order to be not poverty door to support deficient fund six hundred and thirty-two thousand seven hundred yuan, still approve appropriate fund however.

Gigantic deer county helps deficient up to do to still be put in the other issue that violate discipline. In November 2017, gigantic deer county helps deficient up to do former chairman Cheng Yunzhao to be dismissed by discharge party membership, government affairs punish, fall for a member of an administrative section; The manage of arrowroot of chairman section member is dismissed by government affairs punish,

2. is impoverished door the standard is reduced, bedding face accumulates the income that hide the truth from a newspaper

August 2015, audit arrange makes when selectiving examination, discover to county of hill of horse of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, in the target helping deficient up that this county maintains, 3119 people are not accorded with help deficient up to build archives to establish calorie of standard, among them 343 people belong to finance to make offerings to personnel, 2454 people bought 2645 cars, 43 people buy commodity house in the county or build housing oneself, 439 people are individual and industrial and commercial door or management company.

Why can you appear of so large area " false poverty door " problem? Original, according to national regulation, poverty door identifies a standard at that time is net income of year of average per capita under 2736 yuan, but equestrian hill county a few places identify poverty door not strictly according to income level, use children to go to school however, fall ill wait for other level to maintain, the personnel that a few income exceed a level passes the means such as the income that hide the truth from a newspaper to apply for to become poverty door.

After the problem is announced, place is adopted quickly rectify and reform measure, help deficient up to do to each villages and towns, county, many responsibility person has the unit such as bureau of civil administration of prefectural Bureau of Finance, county responsibility is found out. Will rise in October in those days, guangxi transfers 250 thousand cadres are entered into the village door, to whole area 500 much more impoverished population begin essence of life to identify the job definitely, eliminate 50 much " false poor farmer " .

3. makes false material, greet sb with relevant personnel pass a barrier of examine and verify

Ma Yufeng of former secretary of general Party branch of in relief community of 2 areas red thinks Jilin province the Changchun City for afterbirth younger brother Ma Yongkui solves housing problem, but at that time, ma Yongkui's registered permanent residence is absent 2 areas, without the qualification application is bought cheap room.

Below Ma Yufeng's incite sb to do sth, ma Yongkui changed the message of registered permanent residence of Xerox in individual duplicate company, made a piece 2005 ingoing the registered permanent residence of 2 areas this photocopy, forged a building to rent a contract... and across, ma Yufeng also greets sb with community staff member stealthily, they disobey incite sb to do sth working regulation, do not have an investigation, forge a leader to sign. In Ma Yufeng " elaborate " below the plan, of Ma Yongkui explain buy material to pass layer upon layer toll-gate smoothly, obtained safeguard sex housing explain buy right.

Later, ma Yufeng apply mechanically this method, for its father explain buy safeguard sex housing. In addition, she still is below the circumstance that knows perfectly well cousin Liu beautiful not to accord with a regulation deal with for its low protect, you Liujuan's mother-in-law is gotten for you use those who be as long as 8 years is long. After Liu Juan dies, ma Yufeng's mother-in-law adopts the disguise means such as the cover that wear a mouth to continue falsely claim as one's own 20 thousand Yu Yuan is low keep gold. In March 2016, ma Yufeng is given to leave a party to look carefully at one year, administration demotes punish.

4. quota of people is available be short of wife will make up the number or the amount, odd index " send " cadre giving a village

Guiwu of county of Yi of Jiangsu province Xu presses down village of lotus root pond to obtain 63 dangerous houses to transform ancillary quota of people, after receiving working job, lv of the member that village of lotus root pond applies for reimbursement arranged this world to give 57 list that accord with a dangerous house to transform a standard through visitting statistic on the spot. Right now, he answers originally strict according to the regulation, report 57 list that accord with a condition. But remnant is returned in the hand 6 quota of people, how to do? Lv Shunyang thought of his wife and son. He comforts himself: "I so do did not damage which poverty door interest, should appear in the newspaper had appeared in the newspaper. It is the central money that moves anyway, who giving is not to give, 63 quota of people gave in the town, be not finished even if waste. Be not finished even if waste..

After the list that reported wife and son, lv Shunyang for " evenly " , the rest 4 quota of people " send " gave a village the cadre. Before long, lv receives 6000 yuan of dangerous houses to transform accessorial section respectively on the account of suitable in relief wife and son. Lv Shunyang gets within the party serious punishment of warning.

N/med the process of preparing Chinese medicine of secret of 5. allowance list, in announcement column stealthily paste

Zhang Linglong of secretary of Party branch of village of mountain of of town of dry river of city of annulus of Zhejiang province jade is in it is difficult to receive a newspaper to send a country housing masses building is reparative after transforming accessorial object to inform, jump over " team collective discusses to discuss research " this one link, direct phone informs other village " two appoint " member, can nominate each 1 to 2 allowance object. Result, in this private n/med the process of preparing Chinese medicine " difficult " in list of object of masses housing allowance, have the father of village secretary of a Party or League branch, have the wife's father of branch committee member, still have a village appoint the uncle aunt of conference vice director, many village cadre relative that does not accord with allowance condition is included allowance range.

Press a regulation, accessorial object list must want to be in the village is fair show 3 days. To do not cause masses attention, village " two appoint " be in this list village appoint in meeting announcement column stealthily paste. Subsequently, this special list traversed a cool with cold water or ice smoothly government, live the examine and verify that builds a department, 259 thousand yuan of accessorial capital move account of mountain village, every grant-in-aid forehead amounts to average per capita eighteen thousand five hundred yuan. Zhang Linglong gets within the party serious punishment of warning.

6. accessorial index allocates Tibet prejudicial, special " take care of " native place village

In March 2015, the Fujian Province instructs install a county to help deficient up to do make known to lower levels to give 36 productivity support pool country on the west index of deficient allowance fund, every allowance 2000 yuan. The assistant officer Zhong Wuqin that helps deficient work as be assigned personal responsibility for not considers duty, hit " I regard beautiful battalion village as local born and bred person, still should give the village to make contribution more " " small 99 " . Below the situation that studies without pressing down team conference, zhong Wuqin allocation gives village of beautiful battalion of him native place 6 target, other every village allocates 15 villages only 2 index, still have a village an index is done not have.

In 36 accessorial objects, the car had been bought in some homes, some family members are individual and industrial and commercial door, some family members registered a company even, do not accord with productivity to support the demand of deficient allowance apparently.

According to instruct install a county to help deficient up to do a requirement, accessorial object must be in had built archives to establish card choose in poverty door, cannot declare at will. Since be in what build archives to establish card choose in poverty door, the person that why gives existing car to there is a company divides the case of index? The course is right on the west poverty door built pool country 2014 archives establishs calorie of job to undertake be discharginged carefully checking, discovery has 67 not to accord with those who build archives to establish card to concern a requirement unexpectedly, some or cadre of village of requirement of bell fierce admire give of keep an eye on ancestor close. In August 2016, zhong Wuqin gets within the party punishment of warning.

7. opens an eye to close a key point, do not check do not report

In October 2015, guangxi grand installs prefectural frugal to install a village to begin essence of life to identify definitely door during evaluating, land of personnel of villager panel appraise sth through discussion promotes a country to know perfectly well Su Mou to drive a bus in the transport company, do not accord with a side to relieve a condition, but did not give when having villager panel appraise sth through discussion object and mirror to superior; When having village class appraise sth through discussion, the somebody on the meeting puts forward Su Mou to drive a bus in the transport company, but the Wei Miangui that regards village class appraise sth through discussion as personnel and vice secretary of village Party branch, village appoint Li Youning of conference vice director, village " two appoint " the person such as commissarial Li Shengjie is checked without serious understanding already, also did not report concerned problem to superior, bring about Su Mou door to be by assess poverty door.

In March 2018, wei Miangui, Li Youning, Li Shengjie, Liu Xingguo gets respectively within the party punishment of warning.

8. examine and verify becomes a decoration, obstruct other is informed against

Vice secretary of Party committee of academy of foreign language of Normal University of Tianjin profession technology holds assistant dean Wang Aimin concurrently to be in job of national stipend evaluation, not what examine and verify discovers student Wang Mou is forged is low assure, mirror this student to somebody low make sure the likelihood exists the circumstance pay no attention to of practise fraud, do not grant to find out, before the fact that knows perfectly well practise fraud, actually other student informs against obstruct.

The Ministry of Works in feudal China learns to investigate a process in this school in, wang Aimin conceals nitty-gritty, did not show a case according to the facts, cause Wang Mou to obtain second-class country stipend 2800 yuan. Wang Aimin gets within the party serious punishment of warning. (central discipline appoint national prison appoint website Bao Shuang)

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