The person that is born before 1988, these things are again busy also should look, regret not late a

The person that is born before 1988,

At least now 30 years old, still be a youth.

Love stays up late, do not have breakfast, do not love to take exercise


Why? Because have young sth used to one's own advantage,

Think a serious illness and oneself have nothing to do?

China has an adage: "Do not bump south the wall does not turn round. " if treat unripe a serious illness as " south wall " if, be afraid " regret of the wall austral dash against is late also " . Because, cardiac muscle stalk in soldier of dead, head, such a serious illness, did not give you compunctious time at all.

30 years old, should begin to prevent disease!

Prevent disease to take the advantage of young! The person that is born before 1988, should look!

1, do not make oneself too tired!

30 years old are hardship is hit when going all out, should cherish the body more certainly at that time. The physiology age of major white-collar wants than natural age 10 years old tall ~13 year old, main reason is to press muscularity to perhaps live without the rule.

Actuating pressure big, food not the rule, cause a few diseases very easily, for instance chronic gastritis, fatty liver, develop to wait for cancer of the stomach, colonic cancer even:

Get cancer of the stomach to resemble disaster of dispatch a vehicle to cancer of the stomach from gastritis, although probability is not high, but the person goes on the street to have the possibility that is bumped into by the car,

The chronic shallow gastritis that express a gender

Gastritis of chronic and atrophic sex

Bowel is epithelial change unripe, different hyperplasia

Cancer of the stomach

Arrive from fatty liver cancer of the liver

Have 0.5% ~ about the fatty liver patient of 1% can produce cancer of the liver after 20 years. But once fatty liver of dispute alcohol sex develops liver cirrhosis, the occurence rate of cancer of the liver will increase 4% ~ 27% .

Pure sex fatty liver

Adipose sex hepatitis

Liver cirrhosis

Cancer of the liver

It is moment the society is timely loosened, had arranged recreational empty schedule for showing motion pictures in a theater to oneself, loosen body and mind, deposit energy.

2, many person ear aged

In earlier even 30 years before time, the ear of people is very enjoy, no matter be the sound that people lets sb know, still be a bird the sound that makes wagon is not very big.

But the sound in the city is noisier and noisier now, all sorts of mankinds machine the sound that come out to let ear busy unprecedentedly, allow auditive old before one's time.

The noise in noisy subway railroad car can achieve 80 decibel above, 85 decibel above belongs to the noise that harms audition. Want to hear clear music below this kind of environment or in the mobile phone communicate sound, want to increase mobile phone volume commonly, achieve 100 decibel left and right sides. Protect auditive the first pace, use earphone pick off earplug, less namely.

3, notice cardiovascular ageing

Blood vessel of a lot of youths is already old, hypertension comes on younger and younger also, 30 years old of ~60 year old the 2/3 that hypertensive patient achieves all hair ill crowd, because hypertensive reason brings about cardiovascular die in one's bed to die, be in in inside the youth, occupy 2/3 again.

Working life pressure is great, you are nervous, blood-vessel is nervous also, written guarantee fruit heartbeat is accelerated, blood pressure is elevatory also, go down for a long time, the risk that cardiovascular incident produces will increase considerably.

Be in the person of overfatigue condition for a long time, had better add when check-up check a big hemal prize to exceed, include carotid, arteria femoralis is mixed a vein, can in time sift the kind that check congee spot piece block.

4, muscle also begins atrophy

Investigation shows, pass 30 years old, muscle can decrease every year with the speed of 1% . Of muscle weight reduce the ability that can bring about candy metabolization and fat metabolization to drop, cause fat of fat, tall blood, hypertensive, insulin resistance and 2 model diabetic happening. Age became old ability to walk is bad, also may be young when muscle is enough without assemble.

So active move more move, muscle has taken exercise, can help resist chronic inbreaks. Had better do more do specific aim force to train, flat is propped up, crouch back bridge, greatly, pull-up, push-up is classical movement.

5, put calcium now not late still

Does osteoporosis have much dreariness?

Actually, osteoporosis danger sex a bit not second at diabetic, hypertensive, tall lipemia, not second at fat, even not second at a few malign diseases. Osteoporosis duration is longer, degree is heavier, fracture happening risk is higher. And to in old people, fracture can affect life quality badly.

After arriving 30 years old, no matter men and women, bone quantity begins to present the trend that drop.

Fortunately, any ages fill calcium is not late. Even if is to be in when bone measures female menopause to drop badly, give enough calcium, add the element that enough stimulative calcium absorbs, also can increase bone density on certain level.

If can drink the milk of 500 milliliter everyday, can satisfy 75% right-and-left commendation calcium absorbs a level. Remain the calcium of hundred to be able to wait for complement through egg, lean lean, bean curd.

6, fertility is dropping slowly

The male

Sit for long in the office, food of cloudy air, tall grease, lack motion, lack psychological dredge to wait bring about a constitution to drop, meet those who affect 30 years old of men to bear a function. 25 years old of ~30 year old before reproductive ability will be next step, very slow nevertheless, look sometimes not quite come out. Meet again to 38 years old again next big step.

▼ lives now rhythm is fast, a lot of males stay up late chronically. Actually, stay up late influential to endocrine, and spermatozoon happening has close tie with endocrine.

▼ nicotian alcohol is more to spermatozoon harm need not dilatancy.

Environment of ▼ high temperature, tight jeans and sedentary habit let spermatozoon likely " physical ability " drop, vigor no longer.


To 30 years old from 28 years old this age layer begins, also should be opposite conciously oneself ovarian have fixed, comprehensive examination. Undertake B exceeds an examination every year, can show ovarian volume, examine ovarian case. It is examination of celiac lens examination, department of gynaecology of body ask forring next.

Ovarian premature senility is had cannot go against a gender, once appear ovarian premature senility, can endeavor to alleviate only, decelerate premature senility speed, timely seek medical advice.

7, diabetic the growth after 30 years old is the rapiddest

Discovery of investigation and study, diabetic come on in 30 ~ 45 years old " career " the growth in the crowd is the rapiddest. The characteristic of this kind of crowd is job of risk one's life needlessly, still do not move, oversight ego health care.

So check-up besides check hollow blood sugar, had better add check haemoglobin of a saccharify, measure diabetic meeting so more accurate.

8, the society knows cancer

Ling Feng of Liu of Hubei Wuhan person, 37 years old by fish cancer of the stomach terminal, face a disease he has too much word to want to say, the friend encircles collapse of tear letting a person.

The person that is born before 1988, these things are again busy also should look, regret not late again!

After 30 years old, optional and prodigal body, careful cancer looks for you.

Stay up late pressure is great, weight is ineffable reduce; Smoke for a long time, abrupt cough spits blood... this is probable the inchoate omen that is cancer. Understand the danger signal that the body releases, do not let cancer look for you!

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