Story: He is known relevant business by person belt, discovery is entered by accident after pass mar

Story: He is known relevant business by person belt, discovery is entered by accident after pass market a tissue

"This business, it is to promote hairdressing to protect skin product, you know, social rhythm is faster and faster now, national economy more and more develop, the person's prison is tired spending also is to grow day and day, so, hairdressing, also the became to have perspective extremely industry with respect to be perfectly justifiable. Also the became to have perspective extremely industry with respect to be perfectly justifiable..

More or less I sell a profession to passing or know a place, they are tasted with selling health protection, hairdressing is tasted, still the sources of energy is transmitted wait for multifarious reason, play character, leave the money of a personnel by high-level extort then, achieve superstratum personnel overnight upstart purpose, but, lower personnel does not make money at all, once appeared of pyramid earn money mode, involve pass annul.

"But, you are informed, for this business, doing not have capital have enough to meet need is no good, if a bit principal dare not fall, what eye to still talk about is ambitious, breadth of mind broad? What eye to still talk about is ambitious, breadth of mind broad??

Speak of the issue that invests money, I know this is to pass annul undoubted, sneered in the heart, the money that knows body of cummer department white Mei to go up is cheated early for certain smooth, without method, will pull me to enter the water again. Be no good, I must think method takes away her certainly, leave this place that installs camouflage everywhere.

"You think this is a fraud certainly be opposite, can do you feel you are those 80 thousand money used to what supporting for our company? Tell you, slit between the teeth of a place of strategic importance is insufficient! Actually, we are for your oneself consider only, you think, if you do not throw these tens of thousands of money, do not experience a product, so how do you do the business, does others believe you? Does others believe you??

Money always smoked buccal cigarette, spat, continue next say: "Actually, you still do not know the appreciation pattern that does this line of business, make an example, you play a character, this poll knows deal more than you, he played 10 character, those 10 poll recruited 10 people again each, what concept is that? A group is built with respect to such virtually, because be you,establish a group, you are most when enjoying profit, sitting to be able to wait for money to come everyday, mu Ziniu, I say to you! I say to you!!

I still pretend one face is stupefied be stupefied look at money always, money still always says saliva is sideways to fly: "I say with you, join us, have to work hard, this does not give achievement two days a day to see gain, but, arrived certain duration, for instance money always I, what amount is you say the money that makes every year? What amount is you say the money that makes every year??

Left hand was raised when he lets me guess 5 finger, I say: "50 thousand? "50 thousand??

He is shaking first, I say again: "500 thousand? "500 thousand??

He still shakes his head, I feel to feel puzzled, the heart is guessed say " 5 million " of estimation or fault, be forced to guess: "50 million! "50 million!!

Did not think of he laughs, say: "50 million it is right. "50 million it is right..

I at this moment sturdier this is pass sell fraud, because carry a personnel on the head to earn a full earthen bowl full, and lower level personnel manages like my cummer Bai Mei connects maintenance to also be done not have however, this is passed just about those who sell is idiosyncratic.

On college class, an economics teacher also has said to pass sold feature, come with those knowledge analytic special palpability.

How to do? Fell to pass really sell fraud, are I and cummer department white Mei returned can all over and retreat?

"Heard my explanation, do you feel this business how? " across of finger of money total both hands, a pair of eyes are orthoptic I.

"Want 80 thousand, my poor undergraduate, which to go taking? " I appeal to removed suffering to come.

"Be very good! " money always dialed a telephone with the mobile phone, after the other side was received, money total say, "Call you to come then a few people! "Call you to come then a few people!!

Hear this word, my heart one afraid, the heart arrived already urgently voice eye.

Won't be to want to hit me? Passing the point that sell a check, this kind of thing is very normal.

Without how long, have 3 individual along with big mustache walked into money since A Shuyi total office.

"Money always, what thing is there? " A Shuwen.

"This individual be insensible, take away him rapidly! " money always impatient say.

My true for a single moment also did not want to stay here, a person approachs the door rapidly outside, be blocked by those 3 Zhuang Han however, a Shu hurries say: "Plum ox, how do you become such, we are good the entertainment of good woman of wine good food you, it is not let sb down you, so, ask you must not submit to somebody's pressure after first turning down his request! Ask you must not submit to somebody's pressure after first turning down his request!!

My the one or two pieces making up the front of a Chinese jacket that carries an A Shu, angry path: "I am about to leave this ghost place now, where is Si Baimei, I should take away her, where is she? Where is she??

Those 3 Zhuanghan see me this kind of circumstance, at a draught all is staring at me to death, one pair wants the look that start work.

"Let go! " the say with A Shuyi aglow face.

When I put a hand, a Shuyi sound sneers, draw out a mobile phone suddenly, debugged below, show actually give a paragraph of video to come, it is the thing that I managed with cummer Bai Mei does last night actually, all sorts of movements, take in everything in a glance!

I support from the beginning cool arrived baseboard heart, a kind of rancor is born suddenly.

Si Baimei, cheated me again unexpectedly!

Before her, the suffer a setback of my in quick succession, this is to let my be bitterly disappointed really.

"Si Baimei is my girl, you dare sleep unexpectedly my girl, doesn't the letter believe me to beat dead you? " the expression that A father's younger brother underestimates threaten by force one pair.

"If you felt to sleep,my girl returns rational, that I without giving thought to your anyway. " those 3 Zhuang Hanwei use the body, it is to browbeating apparently.

A Shu took away his mobile phone from my hand, with those 3 Zhuang Han surrounds me in the center.

At this moment I just understand, it is to manage Bai Mei develops me to get offline, make money total persuade next, see do not persuade, browbeat with the video in the mobile phone.

Si Baimei is meeting tendency right now they at the same time, she what affirmative meeting says video is medium is be browbeaten by me just be forced to be done with me, the situation is very adverse to me.

I next, only with their empty with appoint snake, borrowed an opportunity to run away next.

But, my present manner, affirmative meeting is monitored rise by their firmly, if look for an opportunity runs away now, very unwise.

"A Shu, money total really insufficient meaning, let me go unexpectedly. " the appearance of my one face grievance.

Ashu is a little half believing and half doubting: "Do you want to stay? "Do you want to stay??

"It is good to can stay, " the say of my speak insincerely, "Money total really insufficient personal loyalty, after explaining to me this business has many to earn money unexpectedly, issued order for guests to leave to me! Issued order for guests to leave to me!!

Manner of A father's younger brother improves immediately, say: "So say, those 80 thousand money, are you preparation those who pay? Are you preparation those who pay??

"It is for you, although be trifling 80 thousand money, but be opposite for me, 80 thousand are not a small amount, still must wait for my scrape together. " adversary of my lay open, a pair of embarrassed look, "I also am wanting to want one year to earn of 50 million ah. "I also am wanting to want one year to earn of 50 million ah..

A Shu is about the same now be to believe me, his signal below, those 3 Zhuanghan leave in succession, look, father's younger brother of big mustache A is here hatchet man people first.

Wool aunt walked over, say: "Stand what to do here, we should eat eat lunch. We should eat eat lunch..

Saying, wool aunt is getting us to come to the dining room of 2 buildings, see round a piece long table is sitting in dining room only 30 come individual, they are placed before everybody have a stainless steel bowl and ladle of a stainless steel.

"Everybody is good, today, our group came a new personality, he is the member that Si Baimei recruits, ask everybody to welcome! Ask everybody to welcome!!

When standing, those 30 bearer that sitting took a control together, sound has the law very much, it is first, it is two next, finally is 3, the strike that has the law continuously very long just stopped.

Suddenly, I see a very comely girl forward I cast to sympathize with a little scared however eyes, my heart is thinking, she still is done not have for certain by brainwashing, I calculate had bosom friend, so I and she is combined, shoud be able to escape quite.

Think of this, there is kind of excited feeling in the heart.

After I sit down, a girl also placed spoon of a pair of stainless steel bowl before me.

"Everybody is hungry, before have a meal, we still must learn. " wool aunt takes out a coin from the pocket, say, "Everybody is delivered each other, see this coin its value how many? See this coin its value how many??

A when she gave in the neighborhood coin 50 come year old man, the man looked, say value 10 thousand, took another person to look next, say a cost 100 thousand, continue so pass, did not say its true par value each.

Should pass me before when, I know wool aunt is in brainwashing, good to cast its place, blow coin, say: "This price value connects a city! "This price value connects a city!!

"Say too well! " wool aunt is the first clap, say, "Or comprehension of ox of new personality plum is tall, calm meeting has a boundless future. Calm meeting has a boundless future..

The person of the others also is the first clap.

In this actual society, a coin of a minute, can have what value, this group of people wishful thinking, be mad really! Be washed by brainwashing this degree, it is to let a person want to be less than really.

The article comes from a novel " without contrition youth "

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