Germany turns over emigrant parade to erupt in large-scale conflict parade dash forward now " Xitel

[round-the-world net reports reporter Zhu Mengying integratedly] Sa Kesen city opens Germany the haze that Munici was immersed in antiforeign mood recently. According to Germany " bright mirror " weekly report, right winger is playing name of know exactly about sth when demonstration, made even " Xitele " mark sex gesticulation. Germany already launched investigation to this about the branch.

Germany turns over emigrant parade to erupt in large-scale conflict parade dash forward now " Xitele " classical gesticulation

(Appear in procession " Xitele " classical gesticulation)

Is Ni Ci opening Mu rambunctious? What to produce after all?

According to " European times " report, last weekend, germany opens whole town of city of Mu Ni Ci to celebrate birthday of 875 one full year of life. However, the deadly one knife in a cuff, make this one celebration shifts to an earlier date in Sunday not only 5 hours end, also make the haze that whole town was immersed in antiforeign mood.

Local time weekday before dawn 4 when the left and right sides, the 10 people that come from different country are in street affray. Subsequently, a German injury is not treated again, have two additionally the name is German also suffer serious injury.

Germany turns over emigrant parade to erupt in large-scale conflict parade dash forward now " Xitele " classical gesticulation

Be aimed at this affray incident, local police arrested an Iraqi book man and a Syrian book man at first.

Did the thing hereto? Do not have of course.

That day afternoon, about 800 right-wing personages develop street to parade demonstrate atttacks police and foreigner. Zhou Yi afternoon, street of Ni Ci opening Mu still appeared the left-wing procession that a group of dimensions controls in 1000 people about. But at the same time, right-wing parade has expanded to the dimensions of 5000 people. Large-scale conflict erupted after two gangs forces encounters.

Germany turns over emigrant parade to erupt in large-scale conflict parade dash forward now " Xitele " classical gesticulation

According to " annals signs up for Na Deyi " report, right-wing personage breaks through block line of the police frequently, the purpose atttacks left-wing parader and present reporter. They cast the object such as a bottle to launch attack to the other side, still fire each other of cracker fling at. The police tries to use high-pressured squirt to part two teams parader. The report says, conflict causes several people to get hurt.

Germany turns over emigrant parade to erupt in large-scale conflict parade dash forward now " Xitele " classical gesticulation

And according to " bright mirror " weekly 28 days of latest news, in demonstration, element of ala of a few ultra-Right was made even " Xitele " mark sex gesticulation. According to police message, already found its detailed individual information, and already with " make unconstitutional gesture " for launch investigation to its. Dan Dexin company says, be arrested without the person temporarily at present.

After incident happening, make known his position quickly federally, "With the strongest attitude " condemn this to plant " chase " the foreigner's act. Sidifen Saibeite of German government spokesman expresses, "Initiate such meeting, chase the person of other appearance, other source, try to be hated in street diffuse -- we are not accepted absolutely. Try to be hated in street diffuse -- we are not accepted absolutely..

Zhou Er also expresses German premier Mokeer, the ultra-Right ala that condemns insurrection stoutly protests an activity. Mokeer still says, this kind " street is hated " the position is done not have in Germany.

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