Shou Guanghong calamity rises to countrywide dish price the impact is not big

Agricultural country ministry concerns chief: Price of dish of whole nation of predicting later period hasten steady fall after a rise

Shou Guanghong calamity rises to countrywide dish price the impact is not bigShou Guanghong calamity rises to countrywide dish price the impact is not big

Small plan: County of source of Shandong province short for the Yihe River east in more than mus of 30 thousand Huang Tao of the town greets a bumper harvest. Big picture: The citizen is in market choose and buy is vegetable. Hair of Xinhua News Agency

Price of dish of near future each district rises to already became the issue that social community is deeply concerned generally continuously. During this, as countrywide vegetable distributing center center and price form central Shandong to save Shou Guang city to encounter a typhoon twice one after another, become stricken be hit by a natural adversity one of the most serious areas. Is production of Shou Guangshu food stricken be hit by a natural adversity whether be to bring about what countrywide dish price rises advocate because of? Whether can price of later period vegetable still rise continuously? 28 days, market of agricultural country ministry and Tang Ke of informatization department director refer at this point read.

Shou Guang is stricken be hit by a natural adversity won't push price of dish of high throughout the country

Tang Ke says, price of dish of near future whole nation rises continuously, go up more apparent. Monitor according to agricultural country ministry, 28 kinds of vegetable of countrywide are wholesale since August all valence chases Zhou Zou tall, the 4th week is every kilograms in August 4.19 yuan, than August the 1st week rises 11.7% .

He expresses, a few people fear Shouguang is vegetable and stricken be hit by a natural adversity can affect the throughout the country " food basket " supply, push price of dish of high throughout the country continuously. To this, force of organization of agricultural country ministry undertakes special subject dogs think after the analysis, shouguang is vegetable and stricken be hit by a natural adversity the influence of vegetable to the whole nation market is finite, won't push price of dish of high throughout the country considerably.

The summer is produce and sale of vegetable of Wei lane melon and fruit is off-season, a large number of vegetable grower cover tightly in high temperature canopy, grow vegetable opposite less, vegetable appears on the market breed output is little, little, do not affect countrywide vegetable to supply overall situation.

The greens market that is like Beijing 7 basically supply by area of and other places of the Heibei with inferior air temperature, Inner Mongolia, Liaoning to September, shandong basically is given priority to with green ginger garlic, wei lane vegetable occupies Beijing field to supply gross about 6% , wei lane vegetable is stricken be hit by a natural adversity the vegetable price impact to Beijing is not big, at present Beijing greens market is supplied smoother.

The near future rises accord with fluctuate all the year round the rule

Tang Ke says, suffer the natural ingredient such as climate to affect, our country vegetable price is seasonal fluctuant feature is apparent. Look from data of old history price, wintry spring often is tall drop of annual dish price, the warm, dish that show the ground turns to appear on the market as weather later increase, the price drops continuously to the low inside year, summer vacation time enters much wet of big range high temperature to enrage as the whole nation, dish price stops drop pick up, 9, October will somewhat fall after a rise.

Run a circumstance to look from the greens market since this year, accord with this rule basically also, dish price began July seasonal rebound, maintained August rise situation.

According to trade price of produce of whole nation of agricultural country ministry case information system is monitored, reached countrywide terminal market 26 days on August 20 28 kinds of vegetable all valence is every kilograms 4.19 yuan, annulus comparing goes up 8.0% , go up an a week before comparing increase 5.4 percent, compared to the same period tall 10.8% . With nearly 5 years of the corresponding period average level is compared, when Zhou Jun valence wants tall 9.1% .

Tang Ke expresses, the range that rebounds is big, advocate if early days whole nation appears more,last high temperature is rainy weather, part advocate experience yield a division big waterlogged, geological calamity, grow to vegetable, picked, carry brought influence a few bigger than in former years.

Price of dish of whole nation of predicting later period hasten steady fall after a rise

According to Introduction Tang Ke, below normal the year's harvest, 9, countrywide major area will compare appropriate vegetable to grow October, market supply restores, dish price stops go up fall after a rise.

He expresses at the same time, because vegetable grows an area this year relatively on year reduce somewhat, the extent of price fall after a rise may a few smaller, but the market is supplied have safeguard, predicting dish price is seasonal fluctuant trend won't be changed apparently.

According to vegetable of agricultural country ministry manufacturing website is monitored, monitoring point of information of county of 580 vegetable keys of the whole nation end July is in cropland vegetable area 1.09 million mus, decrease compared to the same period 4.5% .

Notable is, the main fruit is eggplant that vegetable of Shou Guangben ground supplies countrywide market, among them aubergine, chili is this second stricken be hit by a natural adversity main big canopy is vegetable, stricken be hit by a natural adversity when be in mostly sow, grow seedlings or growth period, the influence to the market or will be in in September the last ten-day of a month, show at the beginning of October, at the appointed time these breed may appear of certain extent rise in price, be in nevertheless vegetable is big below current situation, price of overall dish of predicting whole nation won't suffer apparent effect.

According to Xinhua News Agency

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