Korea is celebrated ahead of schedule + provoke, suffer China is killed absolutely however, yao Ming

Korea is celebrated ahead of schedule + provoke, suffer China is killed absolutely however, yao Ming applauses by the side of field: Too vent one's anger!

The most intense yesterday competition should be belonged to inferior match of 3V3 of carry male basket, total final is by China the team is opposite a Korea team, korea respect takes this match seriously very much, so they expedited the full-time job battle array of K league matches. Watch Chinese respect instead, was to expedite 4 spare players that from careless root alliance choose comes out.

Benchangbisai is by China the team is preceded between greater part time-sharing actually, remain 2 final minutes of 48 seconds till the match, just be chased after to make the same score score through penalty shot by Korea team, bilateral score is tightened from beginning to end later bite do not put.

Korea is celebrated ahead of schedule + provoke, suffer China is killed absolutely however, yao Ming applauses by the side of field: Too vent one's anger!

When game time remains 37 seconds, korea player drops a deadly 3 cent balls, those who help team obtain 16-14 is banner, then they began to celebrate rise, howl wildly before Chinese team member.

Korea is celebrated ahead of schedule + provoke, suffer China is killed absolutely however, yao Ming applauses by the side of field: Too vent one's anger!

Subsequently China is pulled through penalty shot answer a minute, korea respect carries dozen of successful reseizure on the back one minute below basket, till the match still is remained finally 11 seconds when, what Korea still obtains 2 minutes is banner, then they began to celebrate a victory ahead of schedule.

Korea is celebrated ahead of schedule + provoke, suffer China is killed absolutely however, yao Ming applauses by the side of field: Too vent one's anger!

Alleged arrogant arms is defeated surely, huang Wenwei finally 4 seconds when create match foul 3 minutes, chase after score through penalty shot smooth, when the match procrastinated to add, surpass, at that time Korea player already one face is muddled.

Korea is celebrated ahead of schedule + provoke, suffer China is killed absolutely however, yao Ming applauses by the side of field: Too vent one's anger!

Enter the contest when adding, feel of Huang Wenwei continuance, cast absolutely smash, 19-18 conquer Korea team. Right now Korea team member had broken down, lie in the cry on each other's shoulder on the floor to rise, and Yao Ming showed gratified smile in pavilion, this is really too vent one's anger!

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