Grand in relief area struck effect of illegal practise medicine 2018 apparent

Grand in relief area struck effect of illegal practise medicine 2018 apparentGrand in relief area struck effect of illegal practise medicine 2018 apparentGrand in relief area struck effect of illegal practise medicine 2018 apparent

This net dispatch 2018, grand in relief area hits illegal practise medicine to work to be complained with masses inform against, sanitation is supervised assist tubal news report gives priority to a line, link site of illegal practise medicine concealment the characteristic of gender and fluidity and time of illegal practise medicine begins the work, investigate the area such as mart of trade of country and department of urban and rural union, market mainly " black clinic, swim cure, false cure " . Up to on August 27, whole area dispatchs in all sanitation is supervised execute the law personnel 426 person-time, car 106 second, the spot investigates illegal practise medicine 45 cases, investigate case of hairdressing of illegal medical treatment 1 case among them, transfer public security scheme 2 cases, confiscate illegal earning 200 yuan, fine one hundred and four thousand five hundred yuan, confiscate weapon of medicines and chemical reagents 80 box, 33 bags, 18 bottles, confiscate dentistry comprehensive treatment chance compressor of 10 stage, air 8 stage, portable gum 3 pieces, alexipharmic ark 4 stage, billboard 8. Blow bans 12 villages and towns booth of illegal dentist flow nods 47, confiscate illegal dentist weapon 127; Investigate medical establishment non-standard hold trade act 39, fine eighty-seven thousand five hundred yuan, issue supervisory opinion book instructs sanitation 84 times to be rectified and reform instantly.

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