Does Hong Kong appear on the market is the company finished buy money to add P2P is the first born?

The domestic question that the net shifts on October 20, hong Kong appears on the market company Pacific Ocean is industrial (PACIFIC PLYWOOD 0767-HK) releases announcement to say, in the light of Chinese P2P platform " money is added " deal agreement already satisfied all precondition, finish formally fulfil.

Does Hong Kong appear on the market is the company finished buy money to add P2P is the first born?

Does Hong Kong appear on the market is the company finished buy money to add P2P is the first born?

According to Pacific Ocean industrial announcement will say on September 29, its plan to buy P2P platform money to add 96% equity, initial total cost is 2.4 billion Hongkong dollar, specific will on March 31, 2016 or before pay 1.2 billion Hongkong dollar with cash means; On March 31, 2017 or before pay the rest 1.2 billion Hongkong dollar.

This year in June, "Money is added " CEO Yu Jingshu discloses, the company plans two months immanent Hong Kong appears on the market. Afore-mentioned trading after finishing, money is added or make trade inside first land Hong Kong advocate board P2P platform.

Up to before distributing news dispatches, money adds a respect to did not have a response to above content.

Money is added, held water 2012, fast side borrows predecessor, on April 15, 2015 formal more renown. Show according to news of its official network, in the whole nation at present 16 cities established a branch, employee adds up to 1600 people. According to money the net that add an official shows, platform ends at present accumulative total trades the forehead exceeds 2.6 billion yuan of RMBs.

This year in April, star VC invests money to add. Star VC is the wind spec compose that stars by recreation Ren Quan, Huang Xiaoming and Li Bing ice serve as limited partner to establish, head period collect capital 80 million.

System of information of countrywide company credit shows, the enrollment that money adds capital is in a year in add endowment 3. 2014 from original 10 million add 20 million, 20 million add 30 million, later 30 million add again 40 million, increased 3 again in June 2015 100 million.

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