Power horse car, cause attention again -- car of trial assembly of power horse EX5 produces on fire

On August 25, in Chengdu academy of power horse car, car of trial assembly of EX5 of a power horse produces on fire spontaneous combustion. 26 days, power horse car publishs official statement to say, this car is a car of inchoate trial assembly that passes ruinous test many rounds, already entered the order that tear open solution, demolished circuit protector and ministry sub-unit, but fail to be finished in time tear open solution entirely, short circuit of electric equipment component causes fire. But, this one statement can't give up the outside all misgive to power horse: What is the specific reason of spontaneous combustion? Whether to concern with batteries? Whether can sequel affect consign?

Power horse car, cause attention again -- car of trial assembly of power horse EX5 produces on fire spontaneous combustion

To this, 27 days, reporter of report of 21 centuries economy covers power horse car solely relevant personage, get this on fire accident and batteries report core have nothing to do responding to " further, exist really discard as useless car tears open the phenomenon with solution non-standard flow, but sequel won't affect consign. But sequel won't affect consign..

Incident of power horse spontaneous combustion, it is not small blow to building company of car new power and car of new energy resources undoubtedly. New power builds a car to be before consign, character and safe question are crucial, the doorsill of electric car is looked like very low, actually from core the security angle of 3 cables technology and product looks, doorsill actually very tall. Can you deny influence pay?

As build car new power to represent one of companies, in light of the model information according to the exposure before this, the actual strength of power horse is not poor. But after appearing about the negative news of batteries, consumer generated doubt inevitably to its 3 cable system, analysis of the personage inside course of study says, this perhaps can affect the delivery process of power horse.

Power horse car, cause attention again -- car of trial assembly of power horse EX5 produces on fire spontaneous combustion

"We won't be in commonly truckload above the durable test that does ruinous experiment and so on, this is not actual, and finish commonly once all sorts of experiments discard as useless, the car is to won't be burned rise, otherwise the car of hundreds of experiments of car plant must do safe processing. So the statement of power horse resembles morely is public relations term. "On August 26, an in-house personage of dynamical cell industry reports to 21 centuries economy the reporter expressed his doubt. This personage inside course of study thinks at the same time, power horse took out " to discard as useless " of trial assembly car this one relatively far-fetched view, because it is very difficult,from card perhaps this has the security of igneous car.

To this, the response that power horse aspect gives out is, what this incident involves is inchoate discard as useless trial assembly car, the exterior and interior used many trial-produce spare parts, the ruinous experiment that has experienced before this basically shows the relevant overload of respect of electronic electric equipment experiments. On August 27, what power horse admits oneself tears open solution flow is non-standard. "Whole test uses car of more than 400 tests in process of test and verify, among them partial part needs to disassemble retest its wear, because the test below this part circumstance discards as useless,the car is not one-time tear open solution completely to end. Because test car amount is more, bring about discard as useless the problem of keep long in stock on test car occurrence processing, fail to press provide seasonable service and deposit at discarding as useless vehicle is special park field. Fail to press provide seasonable service and deposit at discarding as useless vehicle is special park field..

The spontaneous combustion accident that produces this, not be the first accident that builds car new power to appear before consign any more. Colourful came on June 28 ES8 consign before today, ever also had appeared the collision accident that car develops greenbelt. "Hitting a car is bagatelle, on fire is an important matter. Traffic accident involves the action that the person handles, often the driver's responsibility wants a few bigger; And the car stops over on fire, the problem that is a car. "One is familiar with the personage inside the trade that makes company of car new power to tell 21 centuries economy reports a reporter. The personage inside afore-mentioned course of study thinks, reason meets this be related to produce negative effect to the large-scale delivery of power horse. "It is client letter feeling can be reduced on one hand, on the other hand, the reappear is similar accident after consign wants compensate to pay, and bothered to moment. And bothered to moment..

But power horse expresses, already found out accident of this on fire and batteries report core to have nothing to do. This second move igneous car belongs to inchoate test car, did not carry the electric core that place of prospective consign car uses to configure. The consign car of future of power horse car will purchase the VDA report core of high energy density entirely, the manufacturer that can supply VDA report core for Weimadi at present is Ning Deshi god of force of acting, Tianjin and Suzhou world capacity. The strict test that the electric core of all batteries supplier needs to pass power horse with modular group evaluates future and severe exacting safety checks.

On August 27, power horse aspect expresses, "Check through preliminary platoon, on fire reason and consign product have nothing to do, to follow-up consign the plan does not have an influence. To follow-up consign the plan does not have an influence..

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