China the classical ana that runs a side in company flow for Ren Zhengfei

China serve as a global large and famous business for the company, china the manager Ren Zhengfei that is a company also is to take company flow seriously to manage very much, pay attention to simplify company flow. 2017 China went up to have a classical ana for informal discussion of quality and department of flow IT government: "Flow is serve to fight, it is to be productive food service. Cannot last cannot lasting, trival administrative philosophy should simplify. Of course, cannot reduce a flow simply directly, because may arise,rupture belt, cause contradictory conflict, won't succeed. Won't succeed..

"Flow is serve to fight, it is to be productive food service. " this one word, made clear Ren Zhengfei adequately with China to regard as one fights group, raise what flow regards as fight the core tool of efficiency, commissariat is the fundamental requirement of battle group, do not have commissariat how to fight. Food is more, battle group jumps over gas of know how things stand and feel confident of handling them, because this can be productive " commissariat " service, inevitable meeting gets more use. Examine and approve too much in business management, processing flow, inevitable meeting wastes more time, because this need simplifies,manage flow. Make more time and Wu of essence of life dedicated at business, dedicated at product quality and quality.

China the classical ana that runs a side in company flow for Ren Zhengfei

China for Ren Zhengfei

At that time the time of to sit a meeting is China remove smoothly for industry data center Dongguan when, data center is whole China the core that is product production, application and service, this also means Hua Weizheng undertaking upgrading replacement, the flow of manage of that one bushing that Shenzhen is in previously has needed to undertake improve and be optimizinged, develop an environment in order to get used to new company. Because this also had,sit this talk meeting.

Business management changes, be told substantially even if " ego revolution " , simplify to business management flow namely and optimize. Accordingly China the classical ana that had the following paragraphs to concern management drifting a canal for Ren Zhengfei.

One, every increase a paragraph of flow, want to reduce two paragraphs of flow; Every increase an evaluation point, want to reduce two evaluation point. We should learn plain general, every are new increase node of a flow, must shut additional two flow node.

2, the flow that does not produce food is spare flow, spare flow creates the complexity that come out, want to simplify stage by stage. Flow must simplify continuously, IT application and documentation file should have sunset way.

3, center energy to eliminate flow breakpoint, get through iformation flow. Use " small loop " let flow government more unobstructed.

4, someone says, had gone a lot of complication road. Do not pass complex, also do not simplify, if can be made at the beginning,simplify plan, then you are an immortal.

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