The woman is violated stop to be punished the disgrace on the net alarm administration detains punis

? ? ? Late on August 28, police station of Xi Hang of substation of development of technology of economy of public security bureau of An Shun city dealt with baleful disgrace one case alarm case, to the suspect Hua Mou of baleful on the net abuse policeman some undertakes administration is detained.

It is reported, suspect Hua Mou some on August 28 in the morning 7 when make 30 minutes, drive place of contemporary and cross-country car is in its white area under administration some hotel entrance, be jockeyed to punish with violate the rules and regulations by policeman place. Hua Mou because some resents to be punished, use gregarious software " road road " the undeserved opinion on public affairs that releases abuse policeman, by investigation of subpoena of public security mechanism. Via checking, the fact of some baleful to its abuse policeman admits suspect Hua Mou.

Police reminds: The network is not the ground outside the law, maintaining network environment harmony is the responsibility that every netizen should use up and obligation. The defend that people police is state law person with executant, police of people of barefaced affront fling abuses is pair of law authority is profanatory, must assume legal responsibility.


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