Pos machine is covered is to violate now of compasses, why the country is not banned

A lot of calories of friendly doubt say: "Pos machine is covered is to violate now of compasses, why is the country banned? "Really, the regulation of the bank also is public proclamation illicit.

Below small make up analyse to everybody. There is a kind of economy to call politics business economy in China, above all must the bitter fleabane break out that political stability just has economy is exhibited, what calls politics stability, it is popular feeling stability political environment just is stabilized. To credit card set show behaviour, go in, silver-colored couplet, can silver-colored inspect know this kind of existence? They know for certain, why is that banned? Indulge no matter? Believe everybody has bit of economy knowledge to know lever two words.

Pos machine is covered is to violate now of compasses, why the country is not banned

So the first issue came, everybody has my we should like to ask the person of credit card, this year buys a house, buy a car, how many is consumptive money has to come from at credit card? The person that the person that how many does big city have to buy a house in buys a car uses credit chuck to satisfy his requirement now.

So the 2nd issue came, since use credit card TX to satisfied life requirement, so does the money that every month where comes to return credit card? Right now you are sure can remember Pos occasion, because can raise card in order to get stuck, use the poundage that pays little share only. Integrated above at 2 o'clock, the country bans Pos machine far from possibly, once ban, how many person still does not have credit card? It is major that I believe, now this society is to the room has a car one end debt, those who do not have a room to do not have a car also is one end debt, be in because of everybody indebted life, this is bubble economy.

The last issue came, since the country acquiesces in this kind of product to exist, have to make relevant game rule, had silver-colored couplet so such superintendency head head appeared.

Pos machine is covered is to violate now of compasses, why the country is not banned

The first: The Pos machine of a company compasses should look machine child a provenance, pay a company research and development commonly, hold pays license tag, no matter be an agent,still pay a company itself, to machine child rely on chart to assure those who pay a company to originate pay license tag.

The 2nd: Can let a bank earn a profit, since my bank acquiesces in you to exist, you should let me receive vested interest, the Central Bank set a standard lowest of rate of business door cost is 0.6, such ability assure the benefit of the bank. 3 kinds of cost of Pos machine are led, standard business door 0.6, privilege kind 0.38, commonweal kind 0, only the client brushs standard business door, bank ability gets a benefit. The low cost of those market leads a machine, jump a machine, you do not allege again shamelessly you can use calorie of safety to assure to the client. You always jump code, the bank does not earn money, the card that final result is pair of clients has penalty.

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